Help to find similar bands


New Metal Member
Nov 18, 2010
Hi i am new to this forum so if i post this in the wrong section please move it.

I am looking to go into some harder metal, than i am used to listening to, but to extreme. I have already found something, and would like to know if you guys and girls could recomend me something similar, since i am new to this area of music.

Here is what i am talking about:

Dimmu Borgir - Puritania

Thanks in advance
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Go to the Recommendation Board. At the top there will be a Black Metal Thread. In that thread there is a link to an Industrial Black Metal thread. Enjoy ^_^

EDIT: All of the Sub-genres threads at the top of the Recommendation thread are extremely helpful. I would suggest going through them and finding what all varied styles you prefer. After that you can start requesting more specific material on the Rec board. :) This site lets you easy find similair bands. Also if you ahve an account you get recommendations on bands you should check out based on what you listen to.