HELP!!!!!! Want some T-Shirts

SymX shirts can be bought from the website's merchandise page..the others you are probably best off looking for on eBay. DT has some stuff on their site, I think, but as I recall it was a very limited selection..I don't know about Ark though.
bball_1523 said:
do you guys know how long it has taken you to receive symphony x t shirts?
Most US orders have been shipped within 48 hours of ordering. Typical delivery is 2-3 days via Priority Mail. Anyone else want to speak up on their order??

Or would you like to check the follwoing thread for some initial responses :

Grom Hellscream said:
Guys! My friend is going to NYC!!!!!

We want to buy some t-shirts
Symphony X or/and Dream Theater, ARK and so on
WHERE can he find these t-shirts there?

WHO can help?
I can be of service. Check out the inventory that is available on the merchandise page at Supplies are limited on some items.

WhoFooldU said:
Most US orders have been shipped within 48 hours of ordering. Typical delivery is 2-3 days via Priority Mail. Anyone else want to speak up on their order??Glenn
well, i sent my money order last friday (11/21), and realizing that i live in alaska and glenn doesnt, he should probably have just received it, so i would expect my order by the end of next week :)
crapola said:
well, i sent my money order last friday (11/21), and realizing that i live in alaska and glenn doesnt, he should probably have just received it, so i would expect my order by the end of next week :)

thats why Paypal totally rocks!!!! :grin:

oh, and Grom Hellscream, if you have ever seen the movie PCU then you know to "Not Be that Guy" :p
I have a Dream Theater t-shirt wich i bought in Poland, Krakow. The store was really cool! Im pretty sure that they had SymX t-shirts. And i only bought one t-shirt! Im so stupid! Anyway, I think im gonna buy some DT sweaters and t-shirts on the concert in January! :)