Help! Weird problems when trying to bounce in PT


Oct 10, 2009
I've been trying to bounce bass for an album all night, and I keep getting either "device buffer underflowed" or CPU overload" errors. The weird thing is, the tracks play fine, it's only when I try to bounce that it's a problem. And it doesn't even stop midway through the bounce or anything- it completely finishes playing through and then these errors pop up, and there's no bounced file. I trashed the prefs and dae database, still no luck. Also, it should be noted that under system usage the plugins are only using 35% of the maximum. Any suggestions?

One more thing- I was thinking of trying to just record to another track (I usually never do this), but when I create a new audio track and try and send the bass tracks to it, it doesn't seem to go there. Like, the audio just doesn't play if I do that. I'm probably doing something totally wrong...
I figured out how to internally bounce it , here's a vid that helped me if anyone's interested - I'm still having these weird problems with the errors though if anyone has any ideas how to stop them

The thing I forgot to do was that once you get to the end of this process and you have everything routed to the track you're recording to, it won't play through that track until you record it. You need to arm the track, hit record and it will play. Just in case someone else has this same problem and finds this thread
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Weird thing is, it finished recording the track, and it seems to have recorded fine, but even when it was done with that I still got the device underflowed message. What the hell is causing that? I've tried messing with optimizing in the playback engine...
Check disk allocations for the tracks and ensure they are all using the root project folder and HDD. And check if you have enough free disk space, I had a similar problem once and was messing with it for several hours before I figured out that I simply do not have enough free disk space))
Also if you're on a Mac, try turning your Wi-Fi and Bluetooth off.

I get some weird 6101 when I'm bouncing when tracks otherwise playback fine and it's normally due to that, NFI why it would have an effect but after extensive googling seems a lot of people have found the same :/
The Dreaded 6101 Error.

I can't get around it. I've tried it all.


Protools 10
RME Fireface 800
Mac Mini Server 2.0 8Gigs Ram

I've tried literally every possible thing i could find online and have called everyone in north america I could think of.
Are you converting after or during the bounce? Try the opposite and see if it doesn't help.

I tried both and still had the problem. I think it was related to one of the plugins I had going, because once I bounced the tracks and no longer had it active, I stopped getting the error..
I tried both and still had the problem. I think it was related to one of the plugins I had going, because once I bounced the tracks and no longer had it active, I stopped getting the error..

Contact the constructor and see if it's a recurrent issue.