Help with autotune 5.

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
I downloaded the free 10 day trial. Not impressed, but thats only cause I am pretty sure that I don't get the plug.

Should I tune in manual? Or should I "auto" tune?

If so what are some good setting that aren't so obvious that it is being auto tuned?

BTW this isn't for the opera thing ;)

It's for another project I am doing, I am just playing around with the plug to see if it is worth buying.

If anyone has any other plugs they like that do the same thing and have a demo version and are MAC compatible I am all ears.

If you can try "Melodyne UNO" it's much better than "Autotune" it's only 99€ and i works perfectly! If you can't afford it i would suggest work with the presets and fine tune until you can't obviously hear it "auto tuning" the vocal. Sometimes it helps to adjust it part by part. and print to track. It depends on the material.

But one thing for sure: You can't beat a good vocal performance.
Ok... i'm not really helpful as it seems....

Anyway good luck
i'm pretty curious about waves tune too, i should really try it some time.

anyway, to help the topicstarter:

first offfigure out the scale in wich the song (or part of the song) is written if you are going to use auto mode (wich is a lot faster than manual mode)
usually i end up with the correction speed at around 25 and the choosyness around 20. anything below these points makes it audible aty some points and gives the well known "cher" effect. anything much higher than these points makes it too slow and sloppy and makes the vocals sound wobly or a little drunk, if you get what i mean.

i only use manual mode for small parts that i can't get right in auto mode. just selct the part you need to tune. press track pitch, play the part, look at the graph, straighten the lines to the right tones (figure them out with a keyboard or guitar), press correct pitch and bounce the track when you're happy with it, otherwise keep drawing ;)

this is based on autotune 4 though, don't know if autotune 5 is much different
I have AutoTune 4. And, I never use the auto's not horrible, but I just don't like to leave something as important as vocals up to a computer that's doing things on the fly and ultimately making decisions for you. I know you can make adjustments to the settings and all, but I still just don't really like the whole auto mode thing. Plus it uses processing power when you run it as an insert, which isn't really necessary. I basically just go through the whole song in hand mode, piece by piece, and then draw out the notes with the pencil tool. Tune a few words/notes at a time, preview it, decide I like it, and then print it to the track. I've always felt like the less-than-perfect lines from using your hand sound a little more natural than using the straight line tool, too. ALSO...before I tune anything, I copy the entire track, create a new playlist under the same track (Pro Tools), paste it, and then tune that playlist only. That way, I can easily go back to the un-tuned vocals whenever I want and make an adjustment somewhere if necessary.

i have melodyne, auto tune and waves tune, and I'm actually prefering waves above both of them. Alot better for grittier vocals.

I have no experience at all with Melodyne or Tune, but I'm certainly curious. And, when I got AutoTune, it didn't take very long at all to realize that it isn't that great at all for grittier vocals. Even when the notes are easily distinguished with your ears, the grittiness totally confuses AutoTune. They may have improved that for AutoTune 5, though...
Question; do some of you use it to make screamy vocals sound more like an actual note is sung and harmonize it? I've been thinking about this, our singer can't really sing notes atm, still has to learn. He just screams high, middle, low. Not really notes. Yes, it's cheating, but what's not cheating these days? :p
Question; do some of you use it to make screamy vocals sound more like an actual note is sung and harmonize it? I've been thinking about this, our singer can't really sing notes atm, still has to learn. He just screams high, middle, low. Not really notes. Yes, it's cheating, but what's not cheating these days? :p

Screaming and screaming-to-pitch are very different things - if he's just making noise, you can't really tune it to a note in the same way you can something that's aimed at a certain pitch. Technically you can do it, but it'll sound rubbish.

yeah. we did pitch up one track a minor third, you get the right vibe from it, but the question is wether or not it's an actual note. for those who's interested, the last vocal line in Trade My Life For Suicide was the pitched one.
Personnally, I find Waves Tune very slow to work with... I like when things can work awfully fast, and that's the main thing with melodyne, since it works with the celemony bridge thingy, you have keyboard shortcuts that don't interfere with your host (Cubase in my case...). And sometimes, recently for me, you work with god-awful singers, that don't know anything about pitch or rhythm... And then you're glad to find nice shortcuts that speed this tedious process :)
I struggle with these plugins because i don't know what key our songs are in and i don't know what scale or key our singer sings in. I know its music theory and i should know this stuff and am actually gonna go to school i think to learn soon. But is there any help anyone can give for this cause i would love to use this plugin myself.....

I know some of you music masters are gonna laugh at me for this but I'm just being honest.....
I struggle with these plugins because i don't know what key our songs are in and i don't know what scale or key our singer sings in. I know its music theory and i should know this stuff and am actually gonna go to school i think to learn soon. But is there any help anyone can give for this cause i would love to use this plugin myself.....

I know some of you music masters are gonna laugh at me for this but I'm just being honest.....

Actually dude I am in the same boat but it is kind of simple IMO. Just play the notes that the singer is singing on a keyboard write them down and thats your scale you want to use.
I have AutoTune 4. And, I never use the auto's not horrible, but I just don't like to leave something as important as vocals up to a computer that's doing things on the fly and ultimately making decisions for you. I know you can make adjustments to the settings and all, but I still just don't really like the whole auto mode thing. Plus it uses processing power when you run it as an insert, which isn't really necessary. I basically just go through the whole song in hand mode, piece by piece, and then draw out the notes with the pencil tool. Tune a few words/notes at a time, preview it, decide I like it, and then print it to the track. I've always felt like the less-than-perfect lines from using your hand sound a little more natural than using the straight line tool, too. ALSO...before I tune anything, I copy the entire track, create a new playlist under the same track (Pro Tools), paste it, and then tune that playlist only. That way, I can easily go back to the un-tuned vocals whenever I want and make an adjustment somewhere if necessary.

I have no experience at all with Melodyne or Tune, but I'm certainly curious. And, when I got AutoTune, it didn't take very long at all to realize that it isn't that great at all for grittier vocals. Even when the notes are easily distinguished with your ears, the grittiness totally confuses AutoTune. They may have improved that for AutoTune 5, though...

That sounds logical. In cubase I would just duplicate the track disable the one I wasn't using and then enable it when or if I wanted to go back. Cool guys, I will tweak with auto tune for a bit then see if it's worth the purchase, personally I don't look forward to having another stupid dongle though :erk: