Help with band bio--genre?


Jul 24, 2002
Fargo, ND USA
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Hey, I need some help here.
As pretty much all of you are aware, there are a bazillion different subgenres in metal these days. I'm trying to find the right sort of category for my band's stuff, and am having a hell of a time figuring out what we are. Granted, I could do the generic "Metal" tag, but it doesn't really wind up answering the question.

So, if you could be so kind as to listen to the clips in my signature and let me know where you think we are style-wise, I'd be quite thankful because I don't have a fargin' clue.

(and yes, the recordings aren't the greatest quality. I'm the first to admit that)
I don't think you should specify a specific sub-genre, but maybe list bands that sounds somewhat similar and whose fans would dig you. I see this all the time and it really helps paint a picture of what the band probably sounds like.

I still think 'hardcore' is a form of aggressive punk music, but nowadays i'm apparently wrong, so if a band is 'hardcore' my expectations are not met when i listen.
I don't think you should specify a specific sub-genre, but maybe list bands that sounds somewhat similar and whose fans would dig you. I see this all the time and it really helps paint a picture of what the band probably sounds like.

I still think 'hardcore' is a form of aggressive punk music, but nowadays i'm apparently wrong, so if a band is 'hardcore' my expectations are not met when i listen.

Thanks, this is probably the best answer. I hear you on the hardcore thing, too.