HELP with Drumagog and adding samples


New Metal Member
Feb 4, 2009
I'm new with drumagog.

I have downloaded this great samples ("") and i wanted to use with drumagod but when i add the kick sample on my track it plays the full sample.

How can i use it correctly?

Hey guys, I just got some cool new shoes. Can somebody show me how to tie them?
Can somebody upload this guy the sliced Sneap samples? I'm not sure explaining how to do it would work very well.

Steve = one cool mofo.

Joe: download those files linked and just open them with Drumagog, all of the samples should be ready to go after that.

This forum is great, isn't it... :)

Some random dude with a post count of a grand total ONE, asks for something that has been covered already, and STILL gets help with the already sliced samples and all. This forum has great people! =)
I gave him some shit for it first though :p

Steve: doesn't take much to be cooler than me I'm afraid :erk:
Nice one Stee.. now get on your bike, ride to Joe da Pera's house (going by his name you'll be driving for a while to where he lives), and show him how to insert these samples and how to use them in dramagod.. cheers.