Help with guidance for multi-out for 2.0 in Protools

Thread says it all, need a step by step guide on putting each drum on individual tracks in protools 8. The furtherest I get is only hearing the bass drum on the stereo track that has 2.0 loaded on it. Googled it, cant find jack! Not getting my head around the manual to well, sought of got it, its just what to click in protools thats giving me the shits. Any help would be appreciated, cheers.
I know how it works in EZdrummer, don't know if 2.0 is any different. Bassicaly, you have to create a dozen instrument tracks and set the input to the channel in 2.0 which has the sound of your choice. So for example: in 2.0 you open the mixer and set the snare top to channel 2. Then you create a new instrument track in Protools and set the input to plugin 2.0, channel 2.
Proceed with each channel that way and in the end you'll have each sound on a different track in PT. But remember to select the channel which has the plugin on it to play the drums.