help with mix


Dec 2, 2006
New York, NY
ok this is the story with this. i was setting up mics in the room next to mine. i am producing and recording the band. i have two firepods daisy chained and its my first time recording another band aside from my own and my own little mini mixes so it was a challenge and a welcomed one at that. i was using like 13 channels or so for drums. this was literally the first time and i was only using the first firepod as the second one wasnt set up at the time and i had the drummer just play so i could get a feel. from the way this recording sounded i completely changed all the mics around. this recording did NOT have a bottom snare mic, and two md421 on toms. it is only a hi hat (nt5), 2 OH in front of kit, a blue 8 ball ( it sucks but i have one from a long time ago ) as a room mic behind the head of the guy, a ksm 44 back in the room a d6 on kick and a 57 on snare top.

i had the "tape" running so to speak so i can hear from my room what it sounded like and i was home tonight screwing around with logic and i thought it would be cool to try to salvage a non optimal drum recording where i just had the guy play a rock beat with bad micing (its been fixed since) and i figured it throw some apple loops on top and work on my mixing skills...

please critique. and i did this on my mac book pro at home so it was mixed on my hd 280 headphones and keep in mind ive never done stuff with horns and a full kit before. the way i have it set up i have like 14 tracks or so and ive repositioned the mics from this orignal "getting sounds" recording test.

on edit: oh also there is a bit of a story with the kick drum. the original kick drum he used before i made him change it to a much better one was so awful that it sounded like someone knocking on the door. it sounded so damn bad in raw form that i had to really do serious eq work on all the other mics especially room mics which i had to turn down in mix not to hear the plastic THUD. it sounded great in the drum itself via the d6 so i tried to emphasize that. unfortunately i lost a lot of the good charateristics around the 500k mark and below from all the other mics like girth in snare and even toms and cymbals. it bummed me out but i feel like i can get better salvaging crap and bad drums by honing my ear abilities before im spoiled enough to work with perfectly tuned drums and better rooms and such. i hope theres some truth to this. if anyone wants i can post total raw tracks of drums. there is like 5 minutes of playing i just couldnt think of any more loops to put and frankly i just did the loops for fun i wouldnt take too much timewith everything. but seriously id like to see how a more seasoned guy here can salvage this mix so if your intrested lemme know. ps - i thought about drumagog or aptrigga but the kick sounded good by itself it sounded awful in the room.
sounds really good to me. The snare could be louder or more in your face, but i could definately see it being used for some blasts. The kit sounds very tight and clean. i'm actually shocked, thats a firepod? that sounds much better than i was expecting. do you have a nice room for drums or something?
i'm flattered by your compliment. the pics below were exactly how this particular clip was recorded. please note that i have the room next door so i ran a snake into that room, that is not my gear, that is basically their rehearsal space so i figured it would be easier so i can cotrol from my room isolated away. yes i use 2 firepods daisy chained for 16 channels of audio. i have totally rearragned the mics around and they sound much better as we are like 40% done recording their album. its my first ever recording a band and/or recording drums of this magnitude. the only stuff i was able to present was the test clips i posted, the real stuff wirth better mics and all the mics (remember this clip has no tom or bottom snare) will be out soon i guess if you wanna call it that.





Mix sounds nice to me. The kick sounds nice a tight, with a good low end. Drums in general sound real nice. Nice one!

The horns could do with a little more verb, or maybe a different type of verb. For my tastes anyway.

Good work!
Are those ZBT cymbals any good? :p

they soujnd pretty good. the type of music these guys play isn't really fast all tempos around 124-140 max so the drum grooves are mainly straightforward but i during pre prod i pushed them to do more like behind the beat deftones type stuff to give the music more breathing room. point being the cymbals sound ok. the kit i have in my room i prefer the cymbals more but the guyy really dug his cymbals. in my room my drummer has the paiste pst i think series. i love his snare. i cant wait to see how the real tracking goes with all the mics in place and functional.