help with this guitar tone

sounds really damn good! i realised when that happens to me (feeling that one thing you touch will destroy what you've achieved) then it's time for automation =] awesome song btw
appreciate it guys!

Do any of you feel that the low end of the kick gets a little much on the faster runs?

I like the low end everywhere else but was considering cutting some of the lows on just the faster parts.
maybe you could cut the fast drums into a separate track and bus to edit them separately? That way you can cut the lows just on the faster parts. I think it sounds fine tbh. It could just be the bass frequency response building up in the room you're in? Do you have bass traps? Could just be tons of it bouncing off of your walls. :lol:
Unfortunately I don't have a treated room, but this mix was done solely in headphones.

I was thinking just automating a low shelf and knock of a db or so. If it doesn't strike you as overbearing I'll probably leave it as is.
would definitely lower/humanize the velocity on those faster kick passages (if it's MIDI) other than that, really nice mix, guitar tone sits perfectly, nothings covered. grade A.