Help with Uncreation cover


Apr 5, 2003
Hey there fellas

Well my next musical project is a cover double-CD, except that I'm releasing it for free digitally.... There's going to be a ton of covers from bands that influenced me and songs from my past, pretty much. And one of the songs I have chosen is "Uncreation" by Dan Swano.

I don't have a drummer and I can't drum myself -- I have a GuitarHeroWorldTour drumkit with MIDI capabilities but that seems.... weird... I don't know if I could even make anything worthwhile with it if I did get the MIDI stuff. So I'm asking you all, I'm sure there are talented drummers here -- If anyone would like to record drums multi-tracked mono 24-bit wavs for an Uncreation cover, that would be sweet. And anyone who would want to do a guest spot on the song or anything, please sign on.

Also if you'd like to help with other cover songs too, that'd be swell. Might do an Edge of Sanity or Nightingale too, who knows. It doesn't necessarily have to fill 2 CDs, since it is digital I can really make as many covers, and long songs, as I want.

So drummers, please let me know. :)

Brandon Strader

P.S. it might also be worthwhile to ask what the tuning is of the song -- I have a 6 string guitar and 5-string bass currently.
Superior Drummer 2.0 for the win!

I'm curious tho. What is necessary to release a cover? I want to add a cover from a popular band to my band's next CD. I assume getting permission is a given. Are there usually expensive fees attached as well? Anyone know?
I don't know. I'm not asking for permission or putting them on a CD. And they can't sue me for royalties because there would be none. :)
Hi. Sorry for the bump here. I haven't found a drummer and I can't acquire a kit of my own.... even if I could, I'm sure I wouldn't be able to handle doing covers any time soon with it or even be able to record it unless it was a good e-kit.

Anyway, I decided instead of making a cover CD to simply do one cover. So I'm split between doing an Uncreation cover or an Add Reality cover... I know it is Swano favouritism but they're good songs. I'd prefer to do one of these over another band. I'm leaning towards Add Reality since it was always a favorite. I've got half of a track list ready with demos for the new CD and the other tracks have yet to be written or even thought of. Just a couple riffs.

So I'd like to extend this offer again... I know there were no takers before, but now the project is a lot smaller -- just ONE song. And I'll also expand the possible guest appearances to include any position; if you want to mix or master, play a solo, sing some vocals, do the keyboards, drums, then that would be great. I'm planning on putting the cover on the next In Staid Grace CD which has a current working title of "The Death Instinct"

So is Add Reality standard tuning as well?

Oh by the way, since this will be a physical CD, the cover will only be on CDs that are given away for free non-profit, it won't appear on the CD that is purchased to avoid royalty issues.
Hi. It's been a long time, but I have some 'good' news.

The Dan Swano cover of 'Add Reality' is going to be done, as I have found a truly spectacular drummer in Switzerland. He has played the drums for about 6 or 7 of my solo album songs now, each with a different kit because his friend has a huge studio and kit pieces he collected from over the years. He made a kit from the early 90s to record one of my songs. That was really awesome. Sounds a bit ratty but totally epic. :p

Anyway, the last song we're doing for the album is Add Reality. The rest of the CD is going to be more acoustic type stuff, but more modernized acoustic than my first solo album, heh. Still, this track is going to stick out like a sore thumb at the end of it, and I'm really looking forward to that. I wish I could see the look on family's faces when they reach the song and the roars come in. :p

I will make sure to post the CD here when it is done so you all can download it for freeeeeeeeeeeee.
I can guarantee you one thing - you will never catch me downloading this thing, nor will I buy it. But hey - good luck with it. I am sure it will be phenomenal.
I can guarantee you one thing - you will never catch me downloading this thing, nor will I buy it. But hey - good luck with it. I am sure it will be phenomenal.
Wow. Any reason in particular? I'm not profiting off of Dan's work, the CD will be released on the internet free and physical copies will be printed up on request...