Help with young guitarist


Dec 31, 2002
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Ok , first off I have been playing almost 2 years( No-lessons), and lately i have been reading alot of information about technique.
Basicly what i have found out is Economy picking is bad, and i'm trying to correct this with alternate picking exercises and shit....

For the song 'Sea of lies' the opening riff,when I play the riff I econ pick this...

|------------------------------------------------ 3h7p6h7
|--------- 7p5-----8p5---------7p5h7p5---- 8p5-------------- 5h8p7h8
|-0-0-0-0-----0-0-----0-0-0-0--------- 0-0---- 0-0----------

d u d u d d u d d u d u d d d ud d u d u d u d u d u

I know that im not exactly econ picking this,But its not alternate either. Basicly what i want to know is.... Am i on the way to using bad technique, or is this perfectly normal....

I HOPE ALL OF THIS MAKES SENSE.... thx for reading

EDIT: hmmm i cant get the down and upstrokes to match the notes =[