Picking question in Hate Me

Sep 8, 2002
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I used to play with economic picking, but as most guitarists looks to play alternate, I'm learning what I know again but in alternate picking.

So how would you play this :

Note N°:.1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8.....9...10..11...12...
Finger :.3...1...4...3...1...2...3...3.....3...1...3....1....
Piking :.D...U...D...U...D...U...D...U.....D...U...D....U....

I tried to see how Alexi play's it, cuz' tabs are not always correct, but we don't see him in the videos when he's playing this melody, and I dont really see how to play see part somewhere else on the neck, or at least, I find it comfortable on the 12-17 frets.
It's quite easy with economic, with the 13-14-15 being picked with a little sweep, but way harder with alternate picking. Is it simply because I'm not used to it and to string skiping ? (even if that's not really string skipping, just that the 14 is an upstroke while the hand is going up)
And how do you play the 7th ad 8th notes ?
I used to move my third finger quickly from one string to the other, but I'm saying myself that this would maybe not work with a faster tempo. So do you make a sort of "small barr" with your ring finger to play the same fret twice ? Or do you use another finger (like pinky) ?
Note N°:.1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8.....9...10..11...12...
Finger :.4...2...1...4...2...3...4...4.....4...2...3....1....

Piking :.D...U...D...U...D...U...D...U.....D...U...D....U....

I play it like that and move my pinky quickly to the next string. My pinky bends weird, so it's kind of easy.
I've been alternate picking since I can remember, and I never learned exactly what economy picking is. I hear about people who economy pick trying to switch to alternate all the time though. Should I even try economy picking, or just continue with alternate picking? I've been playing about a year and a half [playing seriously for about a year].
On The Hate Me Solo, On The Fast Parts Ive Noticed That They Are Easier To Play With The Pick More So Parallel To The Bridge Then Perpendicular, Is This True With Alot Of Alexis Fast Picking??
Not exactly sure what you're talking about panbodom. Either way, I myself seem to alternate pick more than economy pick, I only tend to ec. pick if my alternate picking isn't fast enough. I seem to do alternate picking alot on Bodom songs unless there's the real sweeps.
AAAAAAAAH ! I was tapping my psot when the computer shut down... Maybe msblast or something...

AsphyXy>>>M'kay^^ So in fact you play it quite like I'm practicing it, just that you're one string upper so you use your pinky while I use my ring. Mmh... The evil pinky... :loco:

(BTW, the tab is wrong, on my gp4 tab it starts on 17, not 15^^ I did it by memory and... fucked it :p hem)

When you say you move your pinky, you move it totally and push the A string with the tip ? Or you move it weirdly, and puch the A string with the finger joint ?

And economic for this one would be something like that :


And you see more the difference on the way I used to play it before :

.........................lil' sweep..........................

But I have to say for this one you hear the difference between strictly alternate and economic. When you sweep the 13-14-15, 14 and 15 are a bit faded (or maybe my picking's bas, which is quite possible :yell: ).

From what I've heard, talented guitarists use economic picking when they have to play really quickly.

I'm far from being a talented guitarist, so I'm not the one who can give advices, but I'd say you should go on with alternate. I'd say economic is like playing with only 3 fingers, it comes after, when you master the basics.
I just tried to do that riff economy picking, and its nearly impossible. I'll stick to alternate for now.

For the Hate Me riff, I shift my pinky to the B (A) string. By the time my pick gets there, my pinky is there too.
Hehe, yup', when you're used to a certain picking, it's really hard to switch to another. That's why I'm having a hard time playing what I already know but in alternate, but it's going better...
Sometimes I find that playing an instrument is really dumb and useless...
"Play this again and again and again, and once again... and blah..." And the more technical something is, the more "again" you have to play it...
So yup', as Bodomic said, I should not write that I'm not talented (I hope !), just not experienced...^^
But after all, one of the main reason we're on earth is to learn, so...

Anyone know Ayreon ?
The first melody from the song "chaos" is great to learn alternate, and the song is cool^^
for-will-drive-devil said:
I used to play with economic picking, but as most guitarists looks to play alternate, I'm learning what I know again but in alternate picking.

So how would you play this :

Note N°:.1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8.....9...10..11...12...
Finger :.3...1...4...3...1...2...3...3.....3...1...3....1....
Piking :.D...U...D...U...D...U...D...U.....D...U...D....U....

I tried to see how Alexi play's it, cuz' tabs are not always correct, but we don't see him in the videos when he's playing this melody, and I dont really see how to play see part somewhere else on the neck, or at least, I find it comfortable on the 12-17 frets.
It's quite easy with economic, with the 13-14-15 being picked with a little sweep, but way harder with alternate picking. Is it simply because I'm not used to it and to string skiping ? (even if that's not really string skipping, just that the 14 is an upstroke while the hand is going up)
And how do you play the 7th ad 8th notes ?
I used to move my third finger quickly from one string to the other, but I'm saying myself that this would maybe not work with a faster tempo. So do you make a sort of "small barr" with your ring finger to play the same fret twice ? Or do you use another finger (like pinky) ?

this shape just seems wrong to me. i use a easy pentatonic shape for this part. :err:
Mmh, you mean wrong, the way I'm playing it ?
Cuz' if you change everything, you end up with a pentatonic (I didn'tnoticed it :p)

Note N°:.1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8.......9...10..11...12...
Finger :.1...4...3...1...4...1...1...1.......1...4...1....3....

Piking :.D...U...D...U...D...U...D...U.......D...U...D....U....

Do you play it like that with a sort of bar on the 12th fert ?
Or a string down ?

Or more globally, when you have something like this, do you play it with a short bar (or at least keeping the finger cloth from the 3 strings and pushing where it's needed) or do you play everything a string down or up (well mostly down) to avoid this short bar ?

I'm must be quite boring with my questions about fingers placement and blah and most of the time the answer is surely something like "do as it fits you the best" but as an inexperienced player, I think there are things that may seem really hard at the beginning, but way easier and logical when you've got a bit of experience...^^ And as I already did a mistake by playing economic (at least IMO, some say me that if I prefer I can play like this, but I thinkit's not a coincidence if almost all great players play alternate), so I don't want to take bad habits again^^
for-will-drive-devil said:
Mmh, you mean wrong, the way I'm playing it ?
Cuz' if you change everything, you end up with a pentatonic (I didn'tnoticed it :p)

Note N°:.1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8.......9...10..11...12...
Finger :.1...4...3...1...4...1...1...1.......1...4...1....3....

Piking :.D...U...D...U...D...U...D...U.......D...U...D....U....

Do you play it like that with a sort of bar on the 12th fert ?
Or a string down ?

Or more globally, when you have something like this, do you play it with a short bar (or at least keeping the finger cloth from the 3 strings and pushing where it's needed) or do you play everything a string down or up (well mostly down) to avoid this short bar ?

I'm must be quite boring with my questions about fingers placement and blah and most of the time the answer is surely something like "do as it fits you the best" but as an inexperienced player, I think there are things that may seem really hard at the beginning, but way easier and logical when you've got a bit of experience...^^ And as I already did a mistake by playing economic (at least IMO, some say me that if I prefer I can play like this, but I thinkit's not a coincidence if almost all great players play alternate), so I don't want to take bad habits again^^

YEAH MAN! u got me :grin:
i play that part with alternate and a lil sweep on the 12 fret :grin: