
New Metal Member
Sep 3, 2005
Hi everyone out there.

I'm the bassplayer for the unsigned Icelandic metal band Silent Rivers and we have a problem! Iceland has no GOOD METAL SINGERS.

So what I'm asking you the Brainstorm fans and band members if anyone reads this in the first place, is to be on the lookout for a singer who might be interested in helping us out in one or two songs.

We are playing straight forward metal, many say old school with a bit of prog influence, don't know but there are a couple of songs with us on .

If anyone would be interested in hearing more of our songs they can contact us at and we will respond as quickly as we can.

At this time I am hoping to get a few legends of metal to help us out, and Mr.Frack would of course be one hell of catch for anyone out there hoping to make it in the world of metal.

Anyone who believes he can sing send us a mail with a song in it and if we like it you will be added to the list of singers we are trying to procure for our first step towards world domination Wink

Cheers all for reading and commenting,
On behalf of Silent Rivers Arni"Riffi"