

New Metal Member
Nov 1, 2002
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Is This Watchtowers and Spastic Ink forum???I need some help about how can I buy the original cds of this great bands!!!!I am looking for everything apart from Control And Resistance and Demonstations In Chaos!!!!Also I am looking for Rons guitar explanations book Rons personal cds and Watchtowers video!!!!!Can anybody help me about the way I mast act in order to order this stuf??I have already sended a mail to Ron but in case he does not answer i will welcome any help!!!
I need "Sophisticated" by Sieges Even, the first 3 are really easy to find, and "Uneven" I found with some luck, but "Sophisticated" still eludes me.

You can order the Spastic Ink CD either from or from

"Energetic Disassembly" is impossible to find; believe me, I've been looking for 2 years now. Maybe in Europe you could find it at a used CD store or something.

Ron's solo album is also available on the Spastic Ink site.

I dunno about the books, but I think the Watchtower video is available on the Watchtower site (

Hope that helps.
Yes!!!I already know about the sites!!!But what I dont know is how this system with "Send money.....bla bla bla" works!!!I will look what I can do with the Siege Even cd!!!Just give me some time!!! :) I have found "Energetic Disassembly" as a booklet but I am looking for the original edition!!!
There is no need to be sorry!! :) I have already send an e-mail to Ron(actualy its my second) and I am still waiting for his reply!!I hope there was no mistake and he has recieved my mail!!!I just want to speek with him first before I send the money!!!And I want to learn how this system with "send money" works too!!!I mean,is there any warranty?etc!!And I live in Greece,so it will take a bit more time to come here!! hehehe Where are you from??
You can also get the notation and tab book from the Ink site. I payed with money order. I got it a couple months ago and have been woodshedding the hell out of it! Very challenging.

Also looking for "Sophisticated" and "Uneven" , and in a perfect world - a reissue of "Steps" with a HALFWAY DECENT vocalist!
He is a killer and challenging guitarist indeed!!!! Well,how this think works??you enclose in an envolope money and send it??Thats what I havent understand!!!
He is a killer and challenging guitarist indeed!!!! Well,how this think works??you enclose in an envolope money and send it??Thats what I havent understand!!!:( Can you help me please???
Just write a letter telling him what you're ordering and put the money in the envelope. I'm pretty sure he only accepts US$, but I think he may have added a paypal option, check on the site to make sure. I doubt he accepts overseas checks, that's not too common, but an IMO should work, too. Again, I'm sure he lists what he accepts on the site. When I ordered, I just sent a check and a note saying I wanted 3 copies of Ink Complete and 1 of PHHHP!, and I got them all back in a couple weeks.