Another Question for Ronjarz eek!?


Feb 18, 2007
Hey Ron J,

I recently ordered the two Spastic Ink albums and have just finished listening to Ink Compatible for the second time. I have been a fan of all your stuff and tech metal for awhile but I have to say Spastic Ink is one of my favorite bands of all time. Thank you so much for everything you have done for the guitar world, and music world in general. It's also reallyg reat that I get to actually talk to one of my heroes right here! My brother is also a huge fan-when i showed him the Spastic Ink stuff he looked at me and said, "Why have we been listening to Behold and Spiral Architect all these years when we could have been listening to this?!" Of course those guys are good too but his comment reflects my thoughts as well. Then i find out that there is no longer a Spastic Ink! My brother and I have a tech metal band where he playes six string and I play the drums, I am a huge fan of Bobby, and we showed our guitarist the Spastic ink stuff and he said "Man i am done. I have heard it all." Ha ha. I also love the stuff you did with GK.

Anyways, my question is, is there any hope of you and Bobby playing together on an album again? If Spastic Ink is over, *sigh* then is there any chance? Why was he not the choice of drummer on Blotted Science!!?!??!? I mean Chris Adler... come on. I mean really good drummer, and seems like a cool guy but Charles (is it Zehleny?) and Bobby are lightyears ahead of Chris Adler.

I do not want this to seem like a downer or negative comment! Just a chance to tell you thanks and how appreciative I am of your music is the main focus of this bulletin. But I am just as much of a fan of your brother as you-but not a huge fan of Rob Halford! Anyways man I am gonna get the new Blotted Science ASAP.

be seeing you