Hello all, first post on this board. 
Been hanging here a while as a really big fan of the phenomenon called Spastic Ink.
Thus, I am obliged to present this truly terrific title for the next SI album. It could be:
"Spastic Inkas "
or what about "Spaztec Inkas"? The music should hold the standard prog feel with a strange ethnic touch to it.
PS. My avatar pic is taken from the SI website, I hope that is not a problem. If yes, I'll remove it immediately.

Been hanging here a while as a really big fan of the phenomenon called Spastic Ink.
Thus, I am obliged to present this truly terrific title for the next SI album. It could be:
"Spastic Inkas "
or what about "Spaztec Inkas"? The music should hold the standard prog feel with a strange ethnic touch to it.

PS. My avatar pic is taken from the SI website, I hope that is not a problem. If yes, I'll remove it immediately.