who's gonna be on the next Ink album? and what'll it be called?

Hello all, first post on this board. :)
Been hanging here a while as a really big fan of the phenomenon called Spastic Ink.

Thus, I am obliged to present this truly terrific title for the next SI album. It could be:
"Spastic Inkas "
or what about "Spaztec Inkas"? The music should hold the standard prog feel with a strange ethnic touch to it. :P

PS. My avatar pic is taken from the SI website, I hope that is not a problem. If yes, I'll remove it immediately.
Pois0nSeed said:
Hello all, first post on this board. :)
Been hanging here a while as a really big fan of the phenomenon called Spastic Ink.

Thus, I am obliged to present this truly terrific title for the next SI album. It could be:
"Spastic Inkas "
or what about "Spaztec Inkas"? The music should hold the standard prog feel with a strange ethnic touch to it. :P

PS. My avatar pic is taken from the SI website, I hope that is not a problem. If yes, I'll remove it immediately.

holy shit! that's a clever play on words dude. i like that.
Savi said:
holy shit! that's a clever play on words dude. i like that.

Seriously? I was almost sure it would start a barrage of flaming.
Well, I guess such word playing is a direct result of listening too much to Spastic Ink... Strange unknown neural connections are created in your brain. :loco:
Savi said:
here are some song titles:
computer hacker
legion of data
corrupted file
download (a continuation of upload)
num lock
press F1 for help
press any key
end task
control alt delete
connection manager
touch typing

and here are some potential album titles:
Ink Corruptible
Ink Concoction
Ink Colostomy (lol)
Ink Coronium (The principal gaseous substance forming the solar corona, characterized by a green line in the coronal spectrum). it may have nothing to do with computers, but the idea isn't bad.

and last but not least....INK CARTRIDGE!!! :rock:

Don't want tp be annoying but this is just sick man, why don't you write them the music too uh???
If we're woting then I definetily wote for Ink Credible, but I'm shure that Ron's got some crazy ideas up in his mind so don't bother writing ''potential song titles''...just wait and things will come ahead....
haha, its not like im expecting him to use these ideas. its just fun to post something once in a while just for kicks, and to get this forum running since it doesnt get too many posts.