HEMINA: Nebulae


God of Thunder
Apr 1, 2005
near KC
From their bandcamp page:

"Finally the sophomore release from Australian Progressive Metallers, HEMINA, with their new work ‘Nebulae’. The album continues to develop the band’s melodic sound and use of various vocal timbres and four-part harmonies, whilst bringing the crushing groove of djent, the technical proficiency of Progressive Metal and the pop sensibilities of new-wave and modern rock. Uplifting beauty in darkness."


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I am curious, but the first album was a VERY challenging listen. 76 minutes of almost non-stop music (meaning, one song just flows right into the next) and not a chorus to be found on the album. Very dense, lots of good melodies, but no repeating hooks at all.

Not sure if it really hits as "brilliant" or just plain chaotic. Probably a bit of both.
Hey guys,

Thanks for sharing the material. For the guys who found 'Synthetic' dense, I agree but it is what it is. This album is quite different in that regard with lots of hooks and choruses but similar vibes to last record but with more groove and catchiness this time.

Dougie :)
For the guys who found 'Synthetic' dense, I agree but it is what it is. This album is quite different in that regard with lots of hooks and choruses but similar vibes to last record but with more groove and catchiness this time.

Will check it out for sure. Dense is not always a BAD thing; there are a lot of great pieces to "Synthetic", but you only get a quick glimpse of them and they are gone, not to oft be repeated.

Very UNIQUE disc for sure.
Figured I'd bump this thread. Picked up this album at the merch table. I had heard it way back when I got the promo copy, but it's good enough that I needed the physical album. Absolutely stellar material. Anyone else heard this yet?
Yes, I've enjoyed it quite a bit. It's a major departure from the last album, as this is a very smoth, very melodic, very DIVERSE album. Hints of Voyager at times too...... Definitely recommended!!!
I had confused these guys with Nautiluz for a while (I think they dropped demo EPs around the same time?), and thus sorta dismissed them until I bought this disc out of curiosity at Lance's table. So glad I did!

It's like a heavier Voyager with slightly less quirk. Very fun disc.
"Proglodyte," brilliant, lol.

This album is one of my tops for the year as well. Lust and Hope in particular are fantastic tracks.