henke about vocals

I usually "sing" along to my music as I'm doing my homework. My parents tell me I sound like Satan. Not taking into acount the fact that my voice is horrible, it actually does get easier just as you do it more, I used to have to stop halfway through a song, but now I can get through Timeless Departure. (Well, the ones I know the lyrics to.)

I hear that washing down barbed wire with acid sometimes helps too.
Stygian_Apothegm said:
so how long have you been singing? im trying to get my voice sounding all cool and powerful so any tips? do you do any breathing techniques? had any lessons?

i have done this since 94-95. just screaming my guts out in the beginning, before i found my "voice".

a important thing (in my opinion) is to use the stomach when you scream/growl. just like if you were singing. otherwise there wont be any "push" in the vocals (in my opinion.. again..).
and then theres some different ways to form the growling in your mouth.

i use my stomach and lungs to push forward my voice. then i form it with my mouth.

and no, i haven't done any lessons. but i'll probably take one, or two, some day to find my clean voice (as in singing).
Destrruction said:
i have done this since 94-95. just screaming my guts out in the beginning, before i found my "voice".

a important thing (in my opinion) is to use the stomach when you scream/growl. just like if you were singing. otherwise there wont be any "push" in the vocals (in my opinion.. again..).
and then theres some different ways to form the growling in your mouth.

i use my stomach and lungs to push forward my voice. then i form it with my mouth.

and no, i haven't done any lessons. but i'll probably take one, or two, some day to find my clean voice (as in singing).
hm im trying to use my stomach and lungs but i always run out of breath in a few words. that's why i asked about the lessons cuz someone told me i have to learn how to control my breathing which i would find hard to do without lessons. damn so you got about 9 years of practice.. i got about uh.. a few weeks. bagh i dont plan on singing if i ever get a band anyway.

you should just go into a public bathroom and just rip out a growl while taking a shit, that'll scare some people. then drop a grapefruit in the toilet.
Stygian_Apothegm said:
hm im trying to use my stomach and lungs but i always run out of breath in a few words. that's why i asked about the lessons cuz someone told me i have to learn how to control my breathing which i would find hard to do without lessons. damn so you got about 9 years of practice.. i got about uh.. a few weeks. bagh i dont plan on singing if i ever get a band anyway.

you should just go into a public bathroom and just rip out a growl while taking a shit, that'll scare some people. then drop a grapefruit in the toilet.

ok. then here's the answer:

nothing comes for free...
ive found that singing along with shit in the car is good practice. summer is just around the bend. drive around town with your windows down blastin the metal and screamin your head off. you'll get better.
yeh...but usually after ive had a cd for awhile i pick up a lot of stuff whether i notice or not, and am surprised sometimes when i know like 75% of the words already when i didnt think i was paying much atention to the lyrics.
I let a friend listen to Timeless Departure yesterday, and when she said she couldn't understand it, I imitated Henke to the best of my ability to try to make it easier for her to hear it. I think i scared her, and she still didn't understand the lyrics for some reason...
Listened to it billions of times over? or did a drunken Jonas sing it for you during a long distance phone call? :tickled: