Henrik Engkjær on The Shameless

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
"I believe my only knowledge of ”Lamentations Of The Flame Princess” until receiving this complimentary edition of it was reading a very old issue of said zine. Therefore I didn't have any certain expectations towards the content of this one. I was however already positively surprised when I viewed the frontcover, where bosses of big metal labels are crucified and impaled.

This vehement frontcover statement was backed up by two (!) very good editorials opening the magazine itself. These writings proclaim the very commendable and needed attitude of this publication. To support the bands that are stuggling to let their music be heard and who have not sold out to a trendy, modern sound for the sake of commercial success. These editorials both seem very honest and thorough and actually constitute my favorite part of this magazine. If more people woke up and realised that there exists so much great music out there, which will never be well known because it's not trendy, then we would have a much better metal-scene today.

The main part of this magazine consist of reviews and quite in depth ones as well. Some of these reviews actually run for more a whole A5-page with quite small print, so there is no need to add that the music is dealt with thoroughly and critically. No complaints about these long reviews, but to me they are a kind of a two edged sword.

This issue only features one interview, and as interviews are my favorite part of a magazine I must say that I find that to be too little. I would
either appreciate an increase in the number of pages or a decrease in the reviews-section. Maybe it is possible to give a good impression of the music with less than a whole page? And then let the artists speak as well when we're dealing with some of the most interesting bands?

Anyway back to the interview that is featured. It's done with a band called Twilight Odyssey. A band that I only knew by name, but which proved to be a very interesting read. The interview is, just as the style of the reviews, very long, indepth and personal and for an interview this works very well. It certainly motivates to check out the music of the band.

For the next issue of LotFP I would love to see more pages with more of everything (except for promotional ads of course!). More reviews and
interviews would certainly be welcome as long as they can keep the standard from what I have seen in this issue. LotFP is a weapon which needs to grow more dangerous for each release. But in the meantime I hope this issue will guide some people onto the right path, which means finding the best metal there is – and that is usually the independant music where salesfigures are not allowed to determine musical content. And to the staff of LotFP I can only say: Keep up the good work!"
So he kept up to the promise of giving feedback - any reactions from my home country so far? Killer Metal were not so amused, since the most favorable review was for one of their least appreciated albums (After All)...ironic...
So he kept up to the promise of giving feedback - any reactions from my home country so far? Killer Metal were not so amused, since the most favorable review was for one of their least appreciated albums (After All)...ironic...

haha... funny... I just got a note from someone in After All I'll be forwarding to you in 2.5 seconds. And you should tell me what Killer Metal said. :)