Tim Sanborn on The Shameless

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
Well, I've finally received my Twilight Odyssey CD in the mail so there's no reason not to get on with the review. I've been getting LotFP for probably more than 2 years and ordered some of the back issues. I really like this zine. The writing is quality (the only other metal mag I read is Terrorizer, used to pick up Metal Maniacs or Pit, but like Terrorizer the best). What I like about it is that Jim comes across as a guy who loves metal, but hates the bullshit that not only permeates the industry, but the whole of civilization as well. He knows we're constantly lied to and once you realize that, it's you against them. And it's good to have metal on your side as you thunder into battle.

This issue was a little long on reviews for me. Guess I like the commentaries and interviews most, but that changes from issue to issue so that's no big deal. There've been issues long on interview and short on reviews. The reviews are always good. Most of the time I have never heard the bands being reviewed and LotFP has led me to some great bands -- Pharaoh and The Gathering being to examples. The funny part is that I'm driven to hunt down these albums that sound great in the reviews, even though most of the time I don't like the music. But it's Jim's excitement for the music that comes through in the reviews that gets to me and it's okay that I don't like what he does. He likes metal and he can tell the fake poser crap from the sincere and mighty.

I like the length of the interviews. They are more than interviews. They're more like conversations. I appreciate the depth of the conversations in many cases, whether or not I totally understand the technical aspects of things. It's nice not to get the same 5-8 questions that you've read everywhere else and know they've answered a million times already. It's more like hanging out with the band and chatting than it is reading an "interview."

So yeah, i like LotFP. I don't care if Jim cares if i pay for it. It's cheaper than leaving the tip eating at a restaurant. And I like what he says and I like what he's doing. Keep it up.

Tim Sanborn