Her name is "Ms. Ann"


Apr 23, 2006
More from pastor James David Manning.

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I love this guy! I almost fell out of my chair laughing the other day when he called Obama a "SUPER PIMP!"

Check out his appearance at the national press club: http://www.atlah.org/broadcast/12-10-08_56kb.htm

Among the pearls of wisdom are:

“This man, this long-legged mack-daddy, is likely the greatest criminal in world history, not just american history, but the greatest criminal in world history, going back to Egypt and before history was written down.” (8:00)

Also: “It is common that men from the continent of Africa, on coming to America, do diligently seek out white women for relations, and generally that the more noble women do not give themselves to these men but instead only the trashier ones.” (13:00)

“Do you want to wake up all those people who died on the middle passage and thrown into the sea by the tens of thousands, and tell them that their redeemer came out of a 16-year old white woman’s womb? They won’t wanna wake up from their grave for that.” (22:00)


Christmas greetings from the Honorable Reverend Dr. James David Manning:

"Let's, just let's remember to keep Christmas close to our hearts, let's not be distracted by that long-legged mack-daddy, that son of a sack of trash, Barack Hussein Obama, and his cohorts, let's not let them take it away from us."

Christmas greetings from the Honorable Reverend Dr. James David Manning:

"Let's, just let's remember to keep Christmas close to our hearts, let's not be distracted by that long-legged mack-daddy, that son of a sack of trash, Barack Hussein Obama, and his cohorts, let's not let them take it away from us."


those are the kinds of holiday greetings i can really appreciate: sincere and from the heart.