Here is a song of a band im mixing... could do with some feedback!

Jun 2, 2005
First of all, many props to my homeslice Seizure! :kickass: word...

He did all the recording, everything... and it sounded pretty darn good when i imported the songs into nuendo!

Here is the link:

quick download... have a listen and leave some feedback if you have any... the band is trying to get a three song demo done before the end of this week, and i need to send this out as soon as possible to hopefully get them a spot at a local festival.

download for free with filefactory basic is the button

fuck yes! haha.

when it kicked in, that's what i said. Vokills are very deicide esque, but good. Drums sound awesome, guitars are alittle quiet in my opinion. i like it alot, what snare is that?
Sounds pretty good dude, but off course it always helps when the band is as good as these dudes.. :) I'd like to hear more guitar and I'd like to hear the vox in more of a 'space'. Maybe just send them to a medium room verb just slightly. It'll help them sit in the mix more as well.

Good work.

- Charlie

Aah yes, the guitars... the band noticed this themselves as well, will turn up the guitars a bit louder!

thanks for the feedback, it helps...
wow! Not 100% my musical bag (ive taken to calling this style of music "snare music" lol, but sounding pretty damn great there Bob!!!

Listening at full force, it is a bit bassy. Guitars are a little quiet as mentioned :p
3 Km184's for overall overheads, like: Left..mid.. right you know?
Those went into SPL goldmikes.

And i also miced the both rides, with some el cheapo AKG's i don;t realy remember the name of hehe.. going into the Audient ASP008.

Also miced the hi hat for fun, but like useally that realy is for fun haha.. who the heck needs to put in extra hihat when compressing snare and having about 5 cymbal mics:loco:

And yeah.. pretty big room actually, forgot to make real picture of the mic setup and stuff.. but heres the kit/room..

wow! Not 100% my musical bag (ive taken to calling this style of music "snare music" lol, but sounding pretty damn great there Bob!!!

Listening at full force, it is a bit bassy. Guitars are a little quiet as mentioned :p

cheerio like!

guitars are a bit louder in the final mix Kev...