Here is MY song for you to listen to. You´re welcome.


Nov 26, 2002
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Yeah, well... Here is the song from the ultra doom death avantgarde black cult cult cult metal-band, called DOOMDAMN.

As opposed to Mattias´ overproduced load of Ynwie rip-off, this is some truly basic and down-to-earth brutal and dark muzak right here. FOCK production! FOCK excellent sound! FOCK the mainstream!!! And that isn´t some pussy-ass midi drums in there either, that´s all me, all drummer master supreme (the Cryptopsy-dude wishes he could play like me). And check out the keewl Dani Flither-wail in the, so keewl...

Anyway, here you go:
I just finished downloading it :p

Here is my review: It sounds kind of Morbid Angel with keyboards and lots of beer. I love the ending :lol:
Well MY APPOLOGIES my man, that was very great stuff indeed, especially the ending! You're quite the synthesizer master! You won't get to play keys NUNFUCKER though, so don't even bother asking.

My work is not overproduced, by the way.
That comment was uncalled for. I'm not a computer moron. I tried a couple of different ways to download it (including yours) and it still isn't working. Could just be the computer that I am on at the moment, I don't know.

By the way, I didn't have a problem downloading YOUR song, Mattias.:Smug:
Yes, from the bottom of my heart I thank you all for the nice comments and feedback! Your kind words are the things that make me go on and want to record new stuff with DOOMDAMN. You can expect to hear more of this in the future. Thank you, once again!

Mattias, maybe if we combine your moderately greater knowledge of recording-techniques with my double-bass drum-mastery and keyboard-technique we could create a monster of metal!

ShadowLioness: Don´t worry, I´m sure there are several helpful people here on the board that you can ask to send you the song.
Originally posted by U[Sic]M

Mattias, maybe if we combine your moderately greater knowledge of recording-techniques with my double-bass drum-mastery and keyboard-technique we could create a monster of metal!

That is a very charming idea! I could take your elite skills of programming fast double bass beats and keys and replace them with better samples! The super advanced guitars may have to be rerecorded through my POD completely though. What program did you use son?
Originally posted by Mattias of the Night
That is a very charming idea! I could take your elite skills of programming fast double bass beats and keys and replace them with better samples! The super advanced guitars may have to be rerecorded through my POD completely though. What program did you use son?

Programming? I don´t PROGRAM the drums in a midi-sequencer!

I had a suspicion that you might have recorded with the red ass-shaped POD. No fault in that, though, as the POD would probably enhance the guitarparts significantly in regards to how difficult they would sound to play. Of course, I used the hyper ultra mega cool Logic to always. What program did you use, sport?
Originally posted by U[Sic]M
Programming? I don´t PROGRAM the drums in a midi-sequencer!

I had a suspicion that you might have recorded with the red ass-shaped POD. No fault in that, though, as the POD would probably enhance the guitarparts significantly in regards to how difficult they would sound to play. Of course, I used the hyper ultra mega cool Logic to always. What program did you use, sport?

The drums certainly sound very sound blaster midi quality to me. Don't lie, apeboy!

If you had used Sonar or Cubase you could have sent me your shitty little file and I would have improved it for you massively. Sadly I don't have Logic installed in my machine. Although I do have it somewhere I believe. I'm going to try it out some day, but right now I have to test drive pro tools free, for which I seem to have to install windows 98, which is gay. So perhaps one day I can take your ambitious but miserable piece of work and turn it in to a masterpiece!
Mattias: I´m not lying, donkeykid! I´m just supremely masterful in micing up the drumkit. I can´t seem to get the micing of the amp up to par with the drums, though. Hmmm, I´ll have to work on that.
Man, fuuuuuuuuuck Sonar and Cubase, especially Cubase (unless you LIKE having the shit freeze on you once every fifteen minutes). Logic is where it´s at. It´s a shame they stopped developing it, though, so I guess I will have to resort to Cubase SX in the near future. Pro Tools, isn´t that expensive and thus unkool for metul homerecordings?

Ketsukusa: Yes, it was a little short. Watch out for my next opus of great malevolence, though, as it´s both longer and features a continuation of that fantastic theme akin to Zelda!