Here's a picture of...

I've seen a few geetars.. I thought he meant he had a standard tremolo system, so no locking nuts. If he has a locking system, you are right, most often the fault is in improper setup. I'm not sure what you mean with restring position, but the most common problem I've encountered with locking trems is wrong tremolo angle.
With "regular" trems set to float, the right angle is even harder to find, at least for me.
And BTW, sometimes the problem is with strings sticking to string trees.. goode ole Vaseline helps a bit there..
Riggy said:
sometimes the problem is with strings sticking to string trees.. goode ole Vaseline helps a bit there..

Over the years I've used oil, high tech lubes and things, but I found "Finger Ease" works the very best for the LSR Roller nut, it's slippery non-greasy feel, almost like wet soap in feel; it's so easy to spray it on the roller balls, but locking keys you don't need a string tree, so I never have any strings pop out of the nut no matter how hard I play; on the strat peg head that is...
hmm.... my problem is that she drops out of tune fairly easily, especially when I am playing hard (the faster Maiden tunes and Metallica in particular). I never use the tremelo at all, either.

Another thing is that I want to put a clear varnish on my autographed Yamaha so I can start playing her again. The funny thing is with her (I have had her since I was 19) is that I can play her for hours on end and she will stay in tune. She has a Floyd Rose copy tremelo system that I rarely use.

Third, I want to make my own guitar, or better yet have one made. I know someone here is good at that kind of thing.
Rendclaw said:
hmm.... my problem is that she drops out of tune fairly easily, especially when I am playing hard.

Kinda sounds like your bridge is floating on the pivot posts, cause you have no tension. The bridge will do that if you mute-pick with your wrist on it. Trem-setters fix that too.

Rendclaw said:
Third, I want to make my own guitar, or better yet have one made. I know someone here is good at that kind of thing.

Talk to Bichmaker, yea he makes some wicked guitars.
Fender style bridges are crap compared to the locking Floyds! :hotjump: They *can* be set up to stay in tune most of the time, but don't count on it. First off, if you have 6 screws in front of the saddles, take out the middle 4... a LOT less friction that way. For the 2 screws left, make sure they are not too tight or too loose... they should be screwed down just enough to touch the top of the bridge without making it move. Next, they work best when they don't "float" (allow the bar to pull up and make the string pitch go sharp/higher - opposite of the dive bomb). This can be done by screwing in or out the claw in the back until you a) are in tune... and b) need to kind of force the bar to make it go down, but not a lot of force. Mainly it should not pull forward when the strings are bent. Some people just add another spring, but this is not always needed and you should still adjust the claw.

That takes care of the bridge, but the nut and tuners are your biggest problem. Cheap tuners can creep. If they have a screw that holds on the button, tighten it down so it is moveable, but not "easy". The nut needs to be clean and smooth... any small burrs will cause dents on the string and keep them from moving freely. Messing with the nut is usually not a beginner thing to do unless you are prepared in the end to take it somewhere for a new one. It will take forever for me to explain nut work, so I won't today. There are many sites that explain how to set up guitars and fix your nuts. :err: More later... good luck!
BichMaker said:
Fender style bridges are crap compared to the locking Floyds! :hotjump:

That’s blasphemy! Hee, heee, anyway a lot of dudes think that, but I got news the American Standard 2 point tremolo is pretty good, but there is a lot of misunderstanding about it. I know this dude that has the Floyd rose, I checked it out and it aint no better, except for the tuning things on it ; however, you can't set the saddle height individually on the Floyd, but if you have the roller nut and locking keys, then you don’t need the Floyd rose tuning wheels anyway, and then there a lot of dudes that can’t get that to work either, cause they don’t remove the friction from the nut. First thing is to pull out the rubber dampers in the front of the cage, they cause the strings to grab, but they're not needed. It’s all just aptitude… ;)
Those bridges are not Fender style bridges though... the original style sucks!! They made improvements to the design based on competition, and they are not easy conversions (of course conversions are not supposed to be "easy" - unless it's a Kahler!) The roller nut requires a removal of fretboard material so the center point of the rollers is where the edge of the nut would be, so it is a non-reversable mod.

In general, all trems go out of tune and require re-tuning. Each one has advantages and disadvantages. Taking out all friction is important, but clamping the strings creates the same result. Free movement vs no movement I guess. I have had all styles of bridges through the years and everything goes out of tune, and everything is improve-able. To me, the Floyd works best and has the best features, but others love Kahlers and still others love the style you have. I prefer the complete locking the Floyds give you and the ability to fine tune with the right hand in the middle of a song (if need be!) It all comes down to how well it's set up and how well you learn to tweak it. If you learn how to deal with any issues the bridge creates, it becomes second nature to deal with. :rock:

Just out of curiosity, can you name any artists using Kahlers these days, besides Judas Priest?
Tracii Guns comes to mind, Dieicide (Brian Hoffman), and I believe Slayer still uses theirs. I use mine too! Some players swear by their Kahlers, but they haven't been able to get them easily... plus they are made in the USA, so the imports would need to be assembled in the USA or they would need to imort the Kahlers just to export them, and the costs don't make that feesable. But Kahler is gearing back up for some hefty production again, so they will become readily available soon. I know I'm missing players, but in the world of Strats/LesPauls/PRS I'm not paying much attention to who is playing what anymore. (I probably should I guess!) They are available if you need one. :rock:
BichMaker said:
The roller nut requires a removal of fretboard material so the center point of the rollers is where the edge of the nut would be, so it is a non-reversable mod.

That’s right I had to pay an extra $30.00 to get the LSR nut prep on my neck, but I figure since it’s hardened stainless steel, it will never wear out, but I think the graphite nut will loose it’s tolerance after a while.

I don’t re-tune during a song anyway, but my guitar only changes tune if the temperature changes a lot; otherwise, the strings are all stretched in, and I only tune just after I break it out and set up and then when I once in a while.

But I change the strings every 10 hours of play, cause the tremolo is hard on the strings at that point where they curve over the saddle, besides they just don’t sound as good when they’re that old. I use the tremolo all the time; can’t live without one, I would feel naked…
After seing them Coffin cases live, I can tell you those things aren't as big as they seem..
And it' up to you to decide what I mean by "things"..