Here's a short clip from my upcoming album! (Mellow prog metal content)


has the groove.
Jul 11, 2011
Glasgow, Scotland
Hey guys, here's a quick snippet of one of the more mellow moments on my upcoming album (name and tracklist yet to be revealed, but all in due time). Lots of slap bass was involved. Also, this happens to be the first time I've ever used a diminished arpeggio in any of my solos ever, which is weird since I guess there's been a lot of scope to use them on previous releases. Anyhow, hope you guys like!

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Cool man!

Really like the music. Liked your FB page.

What interface are you using to record guitar, if you don't mind me asking?
I like your stuff, this song sounds cool. A little bit more of a mild overdrive sound on the lead would have fit the song better imo. The lead tone is fine, its just very dream theater and i think even if you had to fight a little more performance wise it would raise my interest in the section.