Here's what the dumb fuck (yes, that is DUMB FUCK) GOP were thinking today....


... As they had they had their fucking steak and eggs, while another homeless child starved to death. Fucking uneducated right wing nut swinging assholes........

A) Woman don't have a right to choose
B) Stemcell research is NOT beneficial to mankind
C) The middle class disappearing is certainly NOT a problem
D) It's GREAT to have more nuclear test sites
E) Tax cuts for the rich gives me an erection
F) What environment?
G) Education...what the fuck is that?
H) It's awesome to bring back the draft and force individuals to fight and die for a rich mans war!
I) Osama is old news....
TD said:
... As they had they had their fucking steak and eggs, while another homeless child starved to death. Fucking uneducated right wing nut swinging assholes........

A) Woman don't have a right to choose
B) Stemcell research is NOT beneficial to mankind
C) The middle class disappearing is certainly NOT a problem
D) It's GREAT to have more nuclear test sites
E) Tax cuts for the rich gives me an erection
F) What environment?
G) Education...what the fuck is that?
H) It's awesome to bring back the draft and force individuals to fight and die for a rich mans war!
I) Osama is old news....
Just the begining of the true evils to come. The dick and fart jokes are over kids. Now we have to deal with adulthood. And its not pretty
"I aint consevative and I aint a liberal. I'm an American. And I try too do whats right". ME.
TD said:
A) Woman don't have a right to choose
B) Stemcell research is NOT beneficial to mankind
C) The middle class disappearing is certainly NOT a problem
D) It's GREAT to have more nuclear test sites
E) Tax cuts for the rich gives me an erection
F) What environment?
G) Education...what the fuck is that?
H) It's awesome to bring back the draft and force individuals to fight and die for a rich mans war!
I) Osama is old news....
A) Last I checked, women are still getting abortions
B) One area I do disagree with Bush
C) I'm middle class, I'm still here, in fact I made more $ last year then ever and I expect next year to be even better.
D) just how do you plan to go about it then?
E) We all got tax cuts including yourself. In case you didn't know the rich employ the majority of the middle class. Giving them tax relief relieves some of the burdon from their employees.
F) Just what exactly has Bush done that's so horrible for the enviroment? What did the previous administration do that was so great for the enviroment? What was Kerry's plan for the enviroment?
G) replace education with enviroment in above.
H) You do realize that the new Draft bill was written by a group of Democratic Senators, right? It wasn’t Dubya.
I) Again, what was Kerry's big "plan" on capturing Osama? I don't know either. All I know is that under Bush we havn't been attacked since 9/11 even though you know it's been attempted. I call that a HUGE success for Bush.

4 years old and still right on the mark. That's sad for you.

For the most part, I agree with everything else KY said, so I'm going to bed.
Republicans need to fucking quit bragging about giving people tax relief, because those motherfuckers took every bit of it back on the next year's tax returns.
And since I apparently have nothing better to do, let me drop some dumbass knowledge on you:

A) Woman don't have a right to choose

Nope, they can kill all the babies they want. Have twins! 2 for the price of one coat hanger!

B) Stemcell research is NOT beneficial to mankind

Stemcell research is NOT beneficial to mankind. The results of the research may be. I can't wait to pay for it since the private sector sure as hell won't. All the money invested until now has shown little return on investment.

C) The middle class disappearing is certainly NOT a problem

We're not disappearing, we're getting fatter! Look at the size of my ass now!

D) It's GREAT to have more nuclear test sites

Not sure where you came up with this one but nuclear test sites are indeed more attractive than the nuclear craters Arab terrorists would love to leave on our soil.

E) Tax cuts for the rich gives me an erection

And I thought it was blowing goats

F) What environment?

More like Who environment? or When environment?

G) Education...what the fuck is that?

exactly! Your post shows this clearly.

H) It's awesome to bring back the draft and force individuals to fight and die for a rich mans war!

I myself am volunteering for a poor man's war. War is just great all around.

I) Osama is old news....

but study up on your Arabic! Your reasoning doesn't serve you well.
Do you remember the tagline for Alien vs Predator? "Whoever wins, we lose". That's pretty close to the mark!
TD said:
... As they had they had their fucking steak and eggs, while another homeless child starved to death. Fucking uneducated right wing nut swinging assholes........

A) Woman don't have a right to choose
B) Stemcell research is NOT beneficial to mankind
C) The middle class disappearing is certainly NOT a problem
D) It's GREAT to have more nuclear test sites
E) Tax cuts for the rich gives me an erection
F) What environment?
G) Education...what the fuck is that?
H) It's awesome to bring back the draft and force individuals to fight and die for a rich mans war!
I) Osama is old news....
and you are a tree hugging hippie douche who is ruled by emotion rather than logical thought. 4 more years asshole get over it.:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: highest vote total/ popular vote total of all time too, hows that for the most evil man on the planet, so much for your worthless political party who control nothing anymore.
TD said:
W'eve sealed our fate. The world is more skeptical of this country now more than ever. Somewhere along the line all the smart people stopped voting.
The world can suck Florida*.

*America's wang
I don't like taxes, I don't like people telling me how to have sex, I don't like pot being illegal, I like having a strong military, I don't like seeing young men and women die during war and believe education\literacy is essential.

Niether Bush or Kerry got my vote for that matter.

I voted for Michael Badnarik and he got clobbered.

Let's get over it and work down the middle of the road and quit our bitching. We must control our own destinies and not have them handed to us.

Both Commies and Nazi's suck ass!!!

TD - so the world is skeptical of us. Guess who all those other countries will call or expect help from when the shit hits the fan.

Damn I need a beer now, too much politics.

p.s. Most Importantly Anthrax Rules!!!