It's all good here, just busy as HELL!! Need more drinking time!
God of hellfire,
Good point about next set of elections in 2 years.
I think the bitching comes from the fact that some people think he's doing a good job and will do a good job and some people think he has done a terrible job, and will only do worse in the next 4 years. I guarantee you that had Bush lost, the Republicans would be bitching just as much, if not more and telling us what a travesty it is for America and how we will go down the tubes because of Kerry. If people don't think so, then they are living in a fantasy land. People like Scrub Limbaugh would be having a field day with it.
To me it is very scary that a lot of Bush's votes came from Fundamentalists and people who think we need a moral President. I don't care about his morals quite honestly. Morality doesn't automatically equal effectiveness or good decisions. If my boss is moral but he's a moron and he makes moral, but horrible decisions and my department falls apart, that does not make him a good boss. I want an effective President. I want my Priest to be moral.
But,, alas, good news on the boobies. I caught 3 minutes of that Extreme Makeover show last night. (Don't ask) Holy shit, it's amazing what they can do to people now.