Here's what the dumb fuck (yes, that is DUMB FUCK) GOP were thinking today....

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TD said:
W'eve sealed our fate. The world is more skeptical of this country now more than ever. Somewhere along the line all the smart people stopped voting.

Just because Michael Moore says it doesn't make it so.
Wow. I would have hoped that the smart people here, instead of just whining and spitting hate of the opposing party back and forth, would have at least tried to have an argument that consists of actual logic and reason. Has anyone here (besides Prime) considered the posibility that things aren't black and white, that the only perspective isn't there's, and that there are other people smarter than them? I didn't think so.

I haven't been on this site in a while. Life's been crazy, but I'll throw out a couple of points. Most people here know I lean left although I have seen some new names. Ty, Probably more left than me.

Iwill say it up front I hate George Bush, mainly cause I think he has very few morals, he's unintelligent(my opinion), I disagree with most of his policies, I think he is too Neo conservative and not enough traditional conservative, and I think he is bad for the U.S. in a host of ways related to foreign policy--particularly in the long run.

Now, that said, one thing scares me more than anything else is one-party rule. You can rag on Democrats all you want, but having one party dominate everything is BAD, BAD, BAD for America. America should always be about opposing views, checks and blances, and balanced government. I would NOT be happy if the Democrats controlled everything either.

Bush has 4 years to do whatever he wants. In 4 years if he accomplishes some positive things, he will change my EXTREMELY low opinion of him. IF not, he can't blame Clinton's penis. It's all on him and the GOP now. However, I suspect many in the GOP would like to see a more traditional conservative also, so I am uncertain how that will go?

I hope Bush pulls a Reagan and dumps the Fundamentalists who got him elected because if he doesn't, we're fucked as far as Liberties. I don't want that Asshat and his friends to tell me what to listen to, who to watch, what to say, what church to go to, etc.

Enough said...
coolsnow7 said:
Has anyone here (besides Prime) considered the posibility that things aren't black and white, that the only perspective isn't there's, and that there are other people smarter than them? I didn't think so.
Yes, re-read what I wrote.
I think we all need a little time to reflect on what is really important here... BOOBIES! Since Bush has been in office the average breast size has increased one full cup size. Now if that isn't progress I don't know what is.

On a more serious note I did vote for bush but I do agree that the house and senate need to counter balance that. I also don't understand the reason for all of the bitching. Kerry lost by over 4 million votes against a candidate that has a mediocre econimic pollicy, is supposedly only out to help the rich, has lost a decent amount of lower middle income jobs and replaced them with low income jobs and is having difficulties in Iraq. If you want to be pissed at somewone, be pissed at your own party for putting up a weak campaign. And Gasolinedream, theoretically the republicans could lose the house and the senate in two years. So if the country is going to hell in a hand basket then in two years Bush can be put on a shorter leash.
DarbysDad said:
Hey Gas,

What up and how's Cleveland?

It's all good here, just busy as HELL!! Need more drinking time!

God of hellfire,
Good point about next set of elections in 2 years.

I think the bitching comes from the fact that some people think he's doing a good job and will do a good job and some people think he has done a terrible job, and will only do worse in the next 4 years. I guarantee you that had Bush lost, the Republicans would be bitching just as much, if not more and telling us what a travesty it is for America and how we will go down the tubes because of Kerry. If people don't think so, then they are living in a fantasy land. People like Scrub Limbaugh would be having a field day with it.

To me it is very scary that a lot of Bush's votes came from Fundamentalists and people who think we need a moral President. I don't care about his morals quite honestly. Morality doesn't automatically equal effectiveness or good decisions. If my boss is moral but he's a moron and he makes moral, but horrible decisions and my department falls apart, that does not make him a good boss. I want an effective President. I want my Priest to be moral.

But,, alas, good news on the boobies. I caught 3 minutes of that Extreme Makeover show last night. (Don't ask) Holy shit, it's amazing what they can do to people now.
coolsnow7 said:
Wow. I would have hoped that the smart people here, instead of just whining and spitting hate of the opposing party back and forth, would have at least tried to have an argument that consists of actual logic and reason. Has anyone here (besides Prime) considered the posibility that things aren't black and white, that the only perspective isn't there's, and that there are other people smarter than them? I didn't think so.
You had to check my other post in the other thread to see my argument. Didn't want to retype the same thing.

It's all good here, just busy as HELL!! Need more drinking time!

God of hellfire,
Good point about next set of elections in 2 years.

I think the bitching comes from the fact that some people think he's doing a good job and will do a good job and some people think he has done a terrible job, and will only do worse in the next 4 years. I guarantee you that had Bush lost, the Republicans would be bitching just as much, if not more and telling us what a travesty it is for America and how we will go down the tubes because of Kerry. If people don't think so, then they are living in a fantasy land. People like Scrub Limbaugh would be having a field day with it.

To me it is very scary that a lot of Bush's votes came from Fundamentalists and people who think we need a moral President. I don't care about his morals quite honestly. Morality doesn't automatically equal effectiveness or good decisions. If my boss is moral but he's a moron and he makes moral, but horrible decisions and my department falls apart, that does not make him a good boss. I want an effective President. I want my Priest to be moral.

But,, alas, good news on the boobies. I caught 3 minutes of that Extreme Makeover show last night. (Don't ask) Holy shit, it's amazing what they can do to people now.

It's :kickass: time!!!
Yeah I know a lot of republicans would be whining if they had lost. And a lot of people say the democrats did nothing but run a negative campaign. But I'm in missouri right now and all I saw for the last month were ads from Bush bashing kerry. I guess a lot of people just like playing the victim. But who knows maybe all those poor jaded people out there are right and there will be nuclear hollicaust, famine, pestillance, and the 6th level of hell ( that's a pretty bad level of hell, right?) will break free and engulf the earth for 10,000 years. and shit, maybe there will be global warming too.

There's only one solution to all of this...I must drink copius quantities of vodka and watch that one schwatzenager movie where he kicks hells ass (help me out here) so that I may also learn how to kick hell's ass and undue all of Bush's satanistic hellraising (I think I'm going to need a pretty big boomstick for this). Then again there is a chance that the sun could rise tomorrow and we'll all be fine. But just in case "Clatu Verrata Nicshsbvashshcoughcoughcough. oh shit now i've gone and done it. :OMG:
DarbysDad said:
It's :kickass: time!!!
Thought you guys would be interested in this little e-mail I received:

Things you have to believe to be a Republican today:

Saddam was a good guy when Reagan armed him, a bad guy
when Bush's daddy made war on him, a good guy when
Cheney did business with him, and a bad guy
when Bush needed a "we can't find Bin Laden"

Trade with Cuba is wrong because the country is
Communist, but trade with China and Vietnam is
vital to a spirit of international harmony.

A woman can't be trusted with decisions about her
own body, but multi-national corporations can make
decisions affecting all mankind without regulation.

Jesus loves you, and shares your hatred of
homosexuals and Hillary Clinton.

The best way to improve military morale is to
praise the troops in speeches while slashing
veterans' benefits and combat pay.

Christians should be against abortion and stemcell
research -But we needn't worry about the poor souls who
are actually "born" and have to fend for themselves in
a polluted world, with no health care, and outrageous
college tuition.

If condoms are kept out of schools, adolescents
won't have sex. [Note: this policy was put into
Texas schools when Bush was governor; a new study
shows that Texas leads the country in teen

Providing health care to all Iraqis is sound
policy. Providing health care to all Americans is
socialism. HMOs and insurance companies have the
best interests of the public at heart.

Global warming and tobacco's link to cancer are
junk science, but creationism should be taught in

A president lying about an extramarital affair is
an impeachable offense. A president lying to
enlist support for a war in which thousands die is
solid defense policy.

Government should limit itself to the powers
named in the Constitution, which include banning gay
marriages and censoring the Internet.

The public has a right to know about Hillary's
cattle trades, but George Bush's cocaine conviction
and dubious military records are none of our

Being a drug addict is a moral failing and a crime,
unless you're a conservative radio host. Then it's
an illness, and you need our prayers for your

You support states' rights, which means Attorney
General John Ashcroft can tell states what local
voter initiatives they have the right to adopt.

What Bill Clinton did in the 1960s is of vital
national interest, but what Bush did in the '80s is
I think the above is funny, but gotta add this.

Things You Have To Believe To Be A Democrat Today

Drug addiction is a disease that should be treated with compassion and understanding...unless the addict is a Conservative talk show host.

The United States should be subservient to the United Nations. Our highest authority is not God and the U.S. Constitution, but a collective of tinpot dictators (and their appeasers) and the U.N. charter.

Government should relax drug laws regardless of the potential for abuse, but should pass new and unConstitutional anti-gun laws because of the potential for abuse.

Calls for increased security after a terrorist attack are "political opportunism," but calls for more gun control after a criminal's spree killing is "a logical solution."

"It Takes a Village" means everything you want it to mean...except creeping socialist government involvement in the nuclear family.

Disarming innocent, law-abiding citizens helps protect them from evil, lawless terrorists and other thugs.

Slowly killing an unborn innocent by tearing it apart limb from limb is good. Slowly killing an innocent disabled woman by starving her to death is good. Quickly killing terrorists, convicted murderers and rapists is BAD.

Every religion should be respected and promoted in public schools the name of diversity, so long as that religion isn't Christianity.

The best way to support our troops is to criticize their every move. This will let them know they're thought of often.

Sexual harassment, groping and drug use are degenerate if you're the governor of California, but it's okay if you're the President of the United States.

Sex education should be required so that teens can make informed choices about sex, but gun education should be banned because it will turn those same teens into maniacal mass-murderers.

Minorities are blameless for the hatred of the racist; women are blameless for the hatred of the rapist; but America is entirely at fault for the hatred of Islamofascists.

Poverty is the cause of all terrorism...which is why the leaders of al Qaeda are typically U.S.-educated and were raised in wealth and luxury.

The Patriot Act is a horrific compromise of Constitutional rights, but anti-Second Amendment laws and Franklin Roosevelt's Presidential Order 9066 must be regarded "reasonable precautions."

We should unquestioningly honor the wishes of our age-old allies, even when said allies no longer act like our allies and have vested economic interests in propping up our enemies.

Socialized medicine is the ideal. Nevermind all those people who spend every dime they have to get to the United States so they can get quality medical care...that their nation's socialized medical community can't provide.

Michael Moore, Noam Chomsky and Natalie Maines are perfectly qualified to criticize our leadership, but Arnold Schwarzenegger, Charlton Heston, and Dennis Miller are just ignorant political hacks.

John Lott's research on how gun ownership reduces crime is junk science, but Michael Bellesiles is still an authority on why gun control is good (even though he was forced to resign from Emory due to research misconduct over his book "Arming America").

Bush's toppling the Saddam regime was a "diversion," but Clinton's lobbing a couple of cruise missiles at Iraq in the thick of the Lewinsky sex scandal was "sending a message."

A president who lies under oath is okay, but a president who references sixteen words from an allies' intelligence report should be dragged through the streets naked.

Government should limit itself to the powers named in the Constitution, which include banning Second Amendment rights and shopping the courts for judges sympathetic to causes that wouldn't pass in any legislature.

"The People" in the First Amendment means The People; "the People" in the Fourth Amendment means The People; "the People" in the Ninth Amendment means The People; "the People" in the Tenth Amendment means The People; but "the People" in the Second Amendment (ratified in 1791) means the National Guard (created by an Act of Congress in 1903).

You support a woman's "right to choose" to kill her unborn child, but don't believe that same woman is competent enough to homeschool the children she bears.

Proven draft-dodging is irrelevant, but baseless claims of AWOL status is crucial to national security.

Threatening to boycott Dr. Laura's and Rush Limbaugh's advertisers is exercising Freedom of Speech, but threatening to boycott CBS's "The Reagans" and Liberal actors over their asinine anti-American remarks is censorship and McCarthyist blacklisting.
Agree or disagree...I found this pretty funny:
