Herman Li...best guitarist ever?

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Pioneer ha ha ha ha ha ha death metal wtf

Here's my favorite guitarist at the moment:

And here's a band that actually plays technical music that has soul without focusing on one key member too much:

I wouldn't even go so far to calling these guitarists the best because there is no such thing as a best guitarist.
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Yeah this is a fucking joke...it terms of speed no doubt he's the best. Rythmn and originality fuck no.

This man however is fuckin amazing.

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I should just ignore this thread, but it's so annoying. I remember being wowed by Dragonforce the first time I heard it, but cramming as many notes as possible into a solo does not constitute "great" or even "good." Herman Li is far from the greatest metal guitarist.

I would much rather listen to the tastefulness of Kiuas's Mikko or Therion's (previously) Kristian.
I would much rather listen to the tastefulness of Kiuas's Mikko or Therion's (previously) Kristian.

I don't know who those guys are but all I know is they are definitely no Herman Li. The only guitarists I've heard that are almost as good as Herman is Yngwie Malmsteem and Michaelangelo Batio.
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