Herman Rarebell - Too Late for Peace


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Herman Rarebell – Too Late for Peace
Selfmadegod Records – SMG 023 – March 9th, 2006
By Jason Jordan


Y’know, if I were allowed to go on name alone, then I probably would’ve tossed this out the window as soon as I opened it. But I can’t do that, or else I’d only review, like, five albums per year. The more familiar I became with the 3” Too Late for Peace, however, the more I began to enjoy myself. Technically Herman Rarebell are a supergroup, comprised of members of fellow Selfmadegod purveyors Third Degree and Antigama, that play an old-school form of grind/crust. Still, there are superior recordings available from this same label.

Too Late for Peace is actually considered a “mini-album,” so it follows that we’re not dealing with a full-length here, which means in other words that this is 20 minutes of non-stop, furious grind a la Napalm Death. Coincidentally, of the 15 tracks, three are covers: Doom’s “Rags to Rich’s,” Napalm Death’s “Multinational Corporations,” and “Instinct of Survival.” And whether it’s ironic or not, my favorite of this Herman Rarebell entry is the rendition of “Instinct of Survival”; I love how the spastic, duel vocal approach makes it sound as if one distinctive growl is answering the questions of another distinctive growl (see: 1:30 to 1:50). It’s more subtle than not, simply because by the time the covers roll around, these gentlemen have had more than 15 minutes to pound you into the ground. Rhymes suck. At any rate, I can’t voice too many complaints about the production either – everything sounds pretty good, though the toms are too high-pitched for my liking.

If anything, Herman Rarebell’s Too Late for Peace isn’t a record you should lose sleep over by dwelling upon its purchase worthiness, or lack thereof. You like grooves aplenty? You fancy old-school vibes coupled with a penchant for emulation of grind’s pioneers? You dig Third Degree and Antigama? Well, guess what, this 20-minute rollercoaster might have your name written all over it, in blood and piss of course. Nevertheless, Selfmadegod does have better albums hiding within its fold, and some of them are longer and more gratifying too.


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Official Herman Rarebell Website
Official Selfmadegod Records Website