
Mar 17, 2022
Want to know the very basic idea of cordial conversation? Why not try replying to the things someone is saying instead of the person posting it? Or do you just enjoy unnecessary hostility? Just a genuine question.

Bro, I don’t like bullies. I don’t like Donald Trump. I don’t like…any bullies. This is why I got into Metal for fucks sake. Does Australia have a metal/nerd centric football team that beats the shit out of the nerds but are at the same time nerds? Lol.

Pick a side, bitch.
Oh yeah, and by the way, this post had the sole purpose of improving my reputation here. I don’t even know how I’d go on living if it weren’t for this forum and its current state of excellence and thoughtful opinons.
Cuz like when America was great

no that’s just what every Deep South cunt thinks

You don’t even live here. How tf would you knew?
Dude needs to go to the dr and get some antidepressants or something. There was a time when he was just posting osdm years ago that I appreciated a lot. Whatever this shit is now man... get fuckin cyberbullied I guess.