hey alex

listen mlaza, you're also not ashamed of posting pics of you humping your friend with filthy, dripping dish sponges poked into your clothing and french fries rammed up your nostrils.
evidently nowhere.

actually, i am a directions-asker. i think my willingness to ask directions nicely complements my above-average direction sense (which i only developed since the age of 20 or so) and my map-reading skeelz, so i can usually get places pretty easily.
hey new yawker types, what's the area immediately around the Port Authority called? i want to poke around online and see if I can find any good little restaurants I can pop in for a bite before i head Brooklynward.

unless frostschool figures his shit out, in which case we will dine on tigers in the zoo cafe.
i dunno! i guess i'm going to try to buy a bus ticket leaving boston around 1-2pm unless they're all sold out then, so arriving 5-6? i'm trying to gear myself up for the initiative to leave boston at 10am so i have longer (2pm+) to walk around NYC, but that's highly unlikely.
anyway i will pm you my cell phone # b/c i may be at my friends art studio working on something like, right next to there on 10th avenue all day.