hey all

DarbysDad said:
You sure you wanna be a cop Prime? You'll have to see scumbags everyday.
Fuck yeah! If any thing now more then ever. I know it wont be easy but at least when I come home at night I'll know I made a difference no matter how small. If not, I can always play "meow" with some of the stupid shits in town.
prime666 said:
Fuck yeah! If any thing now more then ever. I know it wont be easy but at least when I come home at night I'll know I made a difference no matter how small. If not, I can always play "meow" with some of the stupid shits in town.
hehehe [evil grin] I sometimes fantasize about becoming a private investigator so I could legally stalk a certain someone:Smug:
SpongeBob cracks me up. :loco:

...Uh, so Mistress Maiden? When's that next batch of cookies gonna be done?? :dopey: