Hey bodomite!!!

I went snowbording today, it was fucking awesome, I haven't done it in like two years, and I never fell on my ass so much. Snow was great, sun shining so it was pretty warm. By the end of the day I had 3 guys almost carrying me to the chairlift (not that I asked, you know:p)

But generally it was fucking cool, I think I'm gonna go sometime this week too.

@Axana - get your ass down to Denver so I can take you sometime:p since you like snow so much!
^heh i'd loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove to "get my ass" to Denver but not this year...:( see ya next summer;):D
yeah dude the snow is killer man! BUT IN NEWPORT NEWS WE GOT 12 INCHES!!!! I made a snowman with a huge schlong outside my house today (got some odd looks from he neighbors) But yeh bro its TOTALLY KICK ASS!!!!! Im having lots of fun...... only thing is dood I gotta goto work tomarrow so this is the firstt ime in my entire life that I hope the ice on the roads MELTS by 2:30pm tomarrow HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ah well :) But yeah dood the snow KIX AZZ!!!! RRAAWWWKKKK
That used to happen to my bro when he lived in upstate NY and from what he tells me....... it REALLY sucks azz
yeah the snow was awesome! the bad thing is that there is road construction right in front of my house. The roads were all mud and snow, and the next day it was just muddy ice...ewwww.
i am sad that it's all melted now. We only got 2 inches here at the beach... any more snow than that and the entire city would close... hahaha. people around here do not know how to drive in snow, so all hell breaks loose when it snows here. :tickled: