This is crazy


Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
Woke up this morning, and guess what???? 4 inches of snow on the ground, WTF!!!!! I live in the desert, hehehehehe well, it was forecast and it delivered. It is now about and hour and half after i got out of bed and it's still coming down, even harder, maybe 6 to 7 inches now. I it is going to snow all day and night so they say. And I don't have a snow shovel.
Apparently it snowed here in Dallas on the day before Thanksgiving! Snowed for 10 minutes and covered the ground for about half an hour! You could have my shovel, but I might need it for the next "big Texas snowstorm" like that! :p
It is now 12 noon and the snow has not let up, accorrding to my daughter it has been coming down since around 3:00am, and there is no let up in sight. We have maybe 6 to 8 inches already with more to come.
All melted here by noon. Snowed Thursday afternoon until Friday night. We don't usually get much snow in the city, but living in the High Mountain Desert of New Mexico, you never know what you will get. The mountains surrounding us look awesome tho...first snow of the season.

Storm moved south over night, that's why Texas and southern New Mexico is getting hammered now.
The only snow I have witnessed was in Copenhagen earlier this month and it was sooo pretty!!! I was so excited when it started snowing, I took a video of it and put it on my myspace. Hahaa

Me = DORK. I know.

Snow is a very exciting thing for someone who was raised in Houston, Texas :D

I hope it has let up for you, John (or you got yourself a shovel! hehehe)
it's now 9:30pm and it is snowing harder than it has all day, oh shit we are in for some rough times. No Tess i don't have a shovel, so i will just stay indoors till spring hehehehehehe.
Tell Claus HELLO and to come on down for some weather he is accustomed to.
it's now 9:30pm and it is snowing harder than it has all day, oh shit we are in for some rough times. No Tess i don't have a shovel, so i will just stay indoors till spring hehehehehehe.
Tell Claus HELLO and to come on down for some weather he is accustomed to.
Oh no! I'll be in real trouble when/if that happens here.

I will tell him you said hello and HE WILL BE HERE IN 28 DAYS!!!! (But who is counting?! ;)) I wonder if we will have a snowy Christmas in Raleigh :)
it's now 9:30pm and it is snowing harder than it has all day, oh shit we are in for some rough times.

I blame global warming, of course. :lol: :lol:

No snow and very little rain in Atlanta. But y'all knew that. We might be getting some tomorrow, which will help....a bit. It would now take three years of normal rainfall to bring local lakes back up to full-pool.

We're actually overdue for a serious Snow Event here. Maybe this will be the year. :heh:
Oh no! I'll be in real trouble when/if that happens here.

I thought the whole purpose of bringing me over was so that I could do all the work around home (including shovelling snow), hehe.

I will tell him you said hello and HE WILL BE HERE IN 28 DAYS!!!! (But who is counting?! ;))

Counting? Not me ... ehmm ... well, ok ... ;-)

I wonder if we will have a snowy Christmas in Raleigh :)

It would be awesome. Sooooo romantic, as if we'd need that, haha :saint:
Tell Claus HELLO and to come on down for some weather he is accustomed to.

HELLO back at ya John :kickass:

I'd love to come visit you right now, for some reason the snow we had 2 weeks ago has turned into cold rain that just won't stop. And, it's sooo windy all the time... I'm sick and tired of the Danish weather. Good thing I'm getting out of here ;-)

Hope to see you real soon my friend. Finally the snow has stopped falling for a while. Final tally 13 inches.