Death Storm '05!

DarbysDad said:
Brat - same here in LA Storm watch blah, blah, blah.
That's cause it's YOUR storm we're watching!!! :yell:

All our weather comes from CA, Mexico or TX. Mostly CA, though. Usually just monsoons come from Mexico, and TX has to be getting nailed pretty hard to send it this way. But we got two storms from CA this week and we're supposed to get two more starting tomorrow.

That tornado warning cracked me up, though. Duh. We don't have basements in Arizona because we don't NEED them. :Smug:
ThraxDude said:
Dragon's Kin is absolutely right with the people stocking up on food comment.
The weather people say, "Expect heavy snow and slow traffic."
And I hear, "Expect a shitload of customers and long lines in your store."
EVERY time they predict snow, the store is FULL of people. And then it snows a few inches. The roads are bad for one day, and then they're dry as my boner the next.
I'm also so sick of people here in Colorado complaining about the weather all the time.
If you don't like the cold and snow, then FUCKING MOVE OUT OF THE STATE!!
People cry about the heat here, too. YOU LIVE IN A DESERT, ASSHOLE! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU EXPECT!! One guy told me the other day while it was raining that he moved here because someone told him it only rains at night. WTF? I told him that's only in the summer, and it's not really accurate anyway. He looked really bummed at that.

Rain brings people into the store, but they avoid the deli. So the cashiers get to deal with them, and I get to leave early that night. :tickled:
ian442 said:
You all need to come to Baltimore during a snow storm...jesus h christ this town goes nuts....


Good luck finding any of those items at your local store before a big storm hits...

One time they didn't plow and we got six inches of snow or so really fast. People just freaked out....i just jumped in my car and blew right past them at full speed down the interstate. that was fun. people were doing like 25 i just blew right by at a leisurely 50....
Same in DC. I think the grocery stores and local news use the weather for their own benefit. Any threat of snow, the ratings and sales go up.