32 inches of snow + 50 mph winds = TOTAL FUCKING DISASTER!!!

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
This is fucked! I'm currently waiting for my dad or bro in law to make his way to my house with a tractor with a scoop on it. Just when you think you're in for a bunch of years of mild winters, the motherfucker of all blizzards hits. I'll try to post some pics later, but if I can ever get out of my house I'll be busy trying to figure out how to feed cows for the rest of the day. It will literally be several days before I will be able to get a 4 wheel drive pickup out of here.

This is no joking around. I hope nobody is dead right now. We had 18 inches on Friday & Saturday and the news people said it was just about done. Then I wake up this morning surrounded by 10 feet high drifts. The official measurement was 32 inches, but the damn wind makes it WAAAAAAAAY worse than just 32 inches of snow.

Does anybody have a helicopter they can come get me with? I think they might have to bring in the national guard to help dig roads out. Apparently the drifting is so bad in areas that normal snow equipment is useless. They're bringing in some huge rotary snow movers from a long ways away.

At lease I still have electricity.
yeah dude ... watch your ass out there ...
I'll come pick you up in my Mini ... just give me your coordinates.
I'm in Western Kansas near the Colorado border.

1 person dead that I know of. Probably carbon monoxide poisoning from his heater vent getting plugged with snow and ice. I don't know what else it could have been. I guess the body will have to sit in that house for a day or two.

I'm home for lunch now. The wind is still blowing, but there is no new snow.

2006 has had fucked weather.
Pics of this storm if anybody wants to see them.

2006 Blizzard

It made the national news quite a bit. Although, smart people, like us, were able to deal with it in a reasonable way. We didn't need the National Guard to feed our cows with Blackhawk helicopters.
Doesn't work with firefox. Try IE :)

That was it. Thanks! Didn't even think about trying a different browser. :blush:

Anyway, pretty massive amount of snow. Whenever we get a decent amount of snow around here - Louisville, basically - the cities aren't ready for it since we rarely get much accumulation to speak of. Shit gets shut down for a while, even if we only have a few inches. It's been a very mild winter here, though, and will probably stay that way, which sucks.