I might get bored with the weather sometimes but I wasn't bored staring at the hot latinas' ass at Quiznos today - she was bending over the counter doing something with the chips
DarbysDad said:
I wasn't bored staring at the hot latinas' ass at Quiznos today - she was bending over the counter doing something with the chips

DD, those hot latina honies likey to have their asses stuffed. Trust me.:cool:

That reminds me, I NEED to call my g/f.:hypno:
Greg - have a thing for Mexican girls - it must be a SoCal thing plus I speak spanglish and I married a hot Italian Irish lady. :Spin:
I don't discriminate when it comes to ladies.
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Hahahahaha:Smug: There is always a asshole in the bunch that has to say something like that. Fuck you and your nice weather Ivankoloff:loco:

damn straight, while all the yankees are busy wearing 6 layers of clothes and shoveling out there driveways/cars, us atlantans are playing golf and smoking cigars in short sleeve shirts.:rock: its not my fault i live in the south
I havent shoveled anything. I got snow but since there aren't tall trees around its melting on hard surfaces quickly.
If you think you have it tough, move here (here being America Jr.). Every week we get a little blizzard or a little wind that cools things down to a warm -30C or so. And then there's snow - and heaps of it.
Stop bitching about the snow.
We got a thick layer of snow covering things up here, about half a meter deep. (4 1/2 feet) and most of it in 16 hours. I don´t mind the cold, that I can handle, a low temperature don´t get in the way like frosen water-crystals.
Arg_Hamster said:
We got a thick layer of snow covering things up here, about half a meter deep. (4 1/2 feet) and most of it in 16 hours. I don´t mind the cold, that I can handle, a low temperature don´t get in the way like frosen water-crystals.

Var nånstans i sveariket bor du?
Moshkinstein said:
Var nånstans i sveariket bor du?

Nere i Småland, det verkar som vi klarade oss undan snöstormen som drog över hela sydsverige igår, här föll inte ett skit och den enda vind som kändes var en hackspett som fjärtade.

Vart i Finland sitter du och ugglar då? Snö där du är?
Arg_Hamster said:
Nere i Småland, det verkar som vi klarade oss undan snöstormen som drog över hela sydsverige igår, här föll inte ett skit och den enda vind som kändes var en hackspett som fjärtade.

Vart i Finland sitter du och ugglar då? Snö där du är?

Jag sitter i Vasa och ugglar, ungefär samma breddgrader som umeå fast på andra sidan "viken". Här e soligt men svinkallt och ca. 1/2 meter snö.
Ni svenskar har då verkligen fått er beskärda del av stormar den här vintern.
Nu skall jag avsluta arbetsveckan och åka ner till helsingfors för att imorgon beskåda JUDAS PRIEST. :rock: :rock: :rock:

Ha de gött!