Timmy! Timmy!!! Timmy!!!
I might get bored with the weather sometimes but I wasn't bored staring at the hot latinas' ass at Quiznos today - she was bending over the counter doing something with the chips
PUSSY!!!! and hot Arizona day.lespaulbass666 said:WHAT DOES EVERYBODY WANT???
DarbysDad said:I wasn't bored staring at the hot latinas' ass at Quiznos today - she was bending over the counter doing something with the chips
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:Hahahahaha:Smug: There is always a asshole in the bunch that has to say something like that. Fuck you and your nice weather Ivankoloff![]()
Arg_Hamster said:We got a thick layer of snow covering things up here, about half a meter deep. (4 1/2 feet) and most of it in 16 hours. I don´t mind the cold, that I can handle, a low temperature don´t get in the way like frosen water-crystals.
DarbysDad said:I don't discriminate when it comes to ladies.
Moshkinstein said:Var nånstans i sveariket bor du?
Arg_Hamster said:Nere i Småland, det verkar som vi klarade oss undan snöstormen som drog över hela sydsverige igår, här föll inte ett skit och den enda vind som kändes var en hackspett som fjärtade.
Vart i Finland sitter du och ugglar då? Snö där du är?
I thought you were talking about something other than snow for a secondGASOLINEDREAM said:OK, I got about 7 inches![]()