Hey Brat! What is so bad about Phoenix???

I think you should do that!! I meant the retractable field for the Cardinals. The model looks ridiculous. They keep showing it on the news because it's supposed to wow all of us who are tired of hearing about it. It's not working. I haven't been wowed since Volume 8 came out. LOL

The site near the airport was actually a go until 9/11, then the FAA threw a fit about it. I mean, it was always an issue, but they were going to allow it til that happened. With it only being 130-198 feet below the flight path, it's just too irresistable for terrorists, you know, to crash it into the stadium (the logic they are using). Well, the city of Phoenix was always pissed off that Tempe got it, so when the FAA threw a fit, Phoenix went to court with Tempe over it. They still haven't picked a new spot. Now it's Phoenix, Tempe, Glendale and Avondale fighting over who gets the stadium. I say put it Avondale so I never have to look at it!!! (Avondale is quite far from me.) Now the Tourism and Sports Authority got involved, and it's just a pissing contest now. It's so stupid. Mayors are talking more shit on TV than WWF wrestlers.
All for a team who sucks ass and has never won a fucking Superbowl!! Why are they even bothering? They should have let that little bitch take his worthless team to California. I think they would fit in over there. Then wait a few years, build a decent stadium and give us an expansion team. But no. We're stuck with the Cardinals.
As a life long NFL fan, I can tell you that the Cardinals suck, and have always sucked, and the way Bidwill runs things, they will always suck. Even in their late 70's early 80's "hey day" w/ Neil Lomax and Dan Dierdorf, I don't think they ever went over .500 They wasted a lot of money on Jake Plummer too. I just don't think he has the size to be a top notch NFL QB. I'm done.
The problem with Jake Plummer is simply this: you can have the best quarterback in the history of the world, but if you don't have an offensive line to back him up, ya ain't got shit. I watched him play for ASU. If he had something decent to work with, he'd be good. He only signed with the Cardinals because he grew up here and went to ASU and wanted to stay here. He got offers from like 10 teams, but signed with the Cardinals, ONLY to stay in Arizona. To me, that's career suicide, but what do I know?? Especially since now, since his record is so bad, no other team is gonna want him, and they won't pay nearly what he now THINKS he's worth. Now, his contract IS out of control. They could have paid for a lot more players and built up something that might actually win half their games with what they spent on him. As for Bidwell, someday he'll figure out that he needs to start somewhere in upper management if he ever wants the team to do anything. You can trade and draft pick all the players you want, but if you have a bunch of monkeys running the show, all you'll get is a circus. But the fans are stupid, we don't know anything about running an organization, so why listen? Even if every single person in your state is saying the same thing, they're all just crazy. How you can build your team on rookies and expect a ring at the end of the year is beyond me. It might also help if they weren't all klutzes, since most of them are out half the season with injuries.
Hey Brat! You know futbal pretty well! THat is kick ass. And you're right, you can put Steve Young behind a shitty line with no running back or wide recievers, and he'll suck (check out Steve's stats as Tampa Bay Buc if you are in question). However, I don't really think Plummer is all that at all. So many college Qb's have overblown stats only to turn in to busts in the pros, and Plummer is just another example IMO. I think you could put him behind a great line w/ awesome recievers and a great running game, and his stats would be real good, but at best he is a Rodney Peete or a Mike Tomczak. Like I say, this is just my opinion. Watch Plummer be the friggin MVP next year!, but honestly, I don't think he has the size or the arm strength of an NFL QB, and he hasn't developed an ability to read defenses very well yet.