hey Chris- remember "the rage" ?


Dec 2, 2005
Boise, Idaho
Heya dood!
This is your old buddy Alex Vota
formerly of ANGELLIC RAGE
Just browsing here and saw your forum.
Im always on the spiral architect forum chatting with those guys
how have you been? Do you still have that old double neck you built?
Remember that old datsun you sold me and I never got the plates changed
and got all those parking tickets? hehe those were the good old days!
Hope youre doing swell!
email me some time

vessal1 said:
Heya dood!
This is your old buddy Alex Vota
formerly of ANGELLIC RAGE
Just browsing here and saw your forum.
Im always on the spiral architect forum chatting with those guys
how have you been? Do you still have that old double neck you built?
Remember that old datsun you sold me and I never got the plates changed
and got all those parking tickets? hehe those were the good old days!
Hope youre doing swell!
email me some time

Hey Alex,
whats up? I still have the doubleneck but never play it, as for the Datsun, those were the good old days(broke as a joke). I actually played Angelic Rage' demo a couple months ago just to check it out again.

Take care, Chris.