Hey Coypu...


May 26, 2002
Visit site
I was wondering if one of us from the board made a demo with a band and the bass playing was exceptional,would you put us on your page or do you have to have to be of some international repute?
I'm certainly NOT putting myself up for this but I thought it was an interesting (Kind of) idea.
Sure but the demo would have to be extremely impressive to compensate for being non famous. But in the end I tend to add the bassplayers I like the most so if I like what I hear I will add it nomatter what (well, it must be atleast abit metal related though and preferably no pickplaying or pure slapping).
I was thinking of adding Tony Levin, Geddy Lee or Mark van Earp. I haven't decided yet though and I will probably do a new Spastic Ink tab first.