Hey EC!


Proud IMG Guitarist!
Apr 16, 2001
Maryland USA
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I walked into best buy today looking for King's X Gretchen album. Not only did they not have it - they didn't have a single King's X album in the store.

...So I go to the local Tower and Records. Zip..nada..zero. They have the little plastic cd thing with the bands name on it....but nothing.

How pathetic is that?
That's odd rabs, just earlier today when I logged onto here I was wondering if you had picked it up yet.

That's pretty odd that they didn't have any at all. I usually see at least three or four of thiers when I'm checking in the stores. I guess the good news is that at least somebody other than me is buying thier stuff. ;)

I guess if you really want it you'll have to order it. Otherwise, it really shouldn't be too hard to find.

I hope you do come up with it somewhere, it really is excellent music. :)
Tell me about it Eddie, I work in one! :( :( Have to listen to all the shitty pop crap all day long, and as soon as I put something different on (Not Maiden, well sometimes! ;) ) like a rock compilation with some classic well known tracks on it gets turned off! :( :mad:
Hey, I was looking for the "Gretchen" album here in sweden too, but of course, it was nowhere to be found (at least not in my town). However, they did have another album at one place, called "Please come home Mr. Bulbous". I was in a bit of a hurry and didn't have time to listen to it, so I didn't dare buy it.... Is it any good?q
Yea, Nefilim, it's really good. However it's thier latest and a bit of a departure from thier earlier styles. So while it does still have thier core elements, it doesn't really sound a lot like the "Gretchen" album. It's very good anyhow, but for new King's X listeners, I'd recommend an earlier album like Gretchen ior Dogman first to get the main idea of thier sound.
