Hey everyone

neal said:
well aparently a few people thought i was like, tryin to diss their mom or somthing. dont worry kids, it was just a stupid comment. its a quote from 'the exorcist' or somthing i think. and the marduk guy says it when they play live becase he is a dweeb.

You're so sweet neal. I've been crying ever since you wrote that. But now I know what a decent guy you really are, just like before :Saint:
psht screw you all then. dont even read my posts an shit. and then a wise ass comment from jonas. thats it, im not buying anymore of your records ever again!

well ok maybe i will.
Stygian Apothegm said:
i thought jonas turned gay for a sec
for a second?
Harsh blow from the DarkMare...Jonas is reeling (well he would be if anyone would be tall enough to hit him) can he make a comeback?
Eramaajarvi said:
I can climb on Darky's shoulders for that... but I think I wouldn't hit Jonas, I think I'd just like to see what's the weather and what Jonas really looks like...

I think Dark would just like to have you up on his shoulders :tickled:
Gadlor said:
Harsh blow from the DarkMare...Jonas is reeling (well he would be if anyone would be tall enough to hit him) can he make a comeback?
Mwuahahaha! :D

Final_Vision said:
I think Dark would just like to have you up on his shoulders
Sheeeesh! That's all you people seem to think about! :Saint:

Eramaajarvi said:
He's a friend, FFS!! I think I'd leave him completely neutral towards everything he might find if he looks up while I'm on his shoulders!
Be careful when you say things like "ffs" around here, these guys might give it other meanings..