Hey fellow Heavy Metal-ers


Licensed Dumbass
Aug 30, 2011
Bath, ME
So I joined this place a little while back to get some help, and then I remembered this place when I needed yet more help, my second and third questions were never answered, so if someone could give me some help I would be appreciative. but nayway, I decided after browsing through a few threads that this seems like a cool community I would like to be a part of. so anyway, here is a bit about me:

I love metal, almost all kinds, from classic thrash and hair metal to death metal and even deathcore. that being said, I do not like all songs within a subgenre, and some I like less than others. my favorite subgenres are:
Death Metal
Thrash Metal

Favorite Bands are:
Black Label Society
Cannibal Corpse
Those That Lie Beneath

And my Musical Gear in in my sig.

Other things About me:
I love to laugh, and am not easily offended, so I love most kinds of humor.
My guitar is my favorite non-living thing in existence.
I live in maine.
If asked to choose between ps3 and xbox 360 I will ALWAYS choose xbox although I like them both.
I love mountain dew, like, it is the best drinkable thing on earth. I equally love dominoes pizza.

anyway, thats enough for this post i think, if there is anything else you want to know, just ask!
