Hey from New Scotland

My name is Dave and i live in Nova Scotia, Canada. I stumbled upon this site the other day and i must say it is wicked. I've been assaulting my ears with metal for three decades now and i eat , slepp , and breath metal. I also play guitar in a death metal band by the name of Thy Flesh Consumed. We are getting set to record our fourth album. You can check us out at www.thyfleshconsumed.com or www.myspace.com/deathgrindmachine . I also have some sweet axes, I have begun a guitar collection and i have no idea when the madness will end. :rock:
cool .It's always great to see someone is into our tunes. Alot of the members of the band have been jammin together in some form or another for about a decade now so it helps to keep things tight. Were actually two songs practicing away from the studio so you might want to catch the album because it is going to be pretty fucking heavy. There will be samples off the studio floor on the website and myspace so you can have a listen when they come out, i'd say in a couple of months or so. Ross our bass player joined when the writing for Pacified by oceans of blood (third album) was almost complete. Now that he is in the mix writing and playing solidly things are looking up.
Thanks again. The idea for the names just came from the influence that can be heard in the music. We just like all sorts and come from all kinds of band backgrounds so we try not to stick to the norm and swirl it all together like a storm o' hellfire. We are acctualy really diverse in our music tastes. some people like rock, some thrash, some blackmetal , ect.. We think all of these things have good aspects. Cheers.:rock: