hey guys...Metallica's Load is cool


Aug 10, 2002
it's different, has nice songs (the house that jack...until it sleeps...king nothing...bleeding me...outlaw torn...mama said...cure...)...i can't understand why people hate so much this album.
Reload = all the songs that were'nt good enough for Load. Now why on earth would they release it as an album...ah never mind I don't want to get into the whys of latter-day metallica because then I'd have to bitch about ja rule.
load was the last chance of metallica staying awesome. then for some reason, they decided to suck. 2 X 4 and mama said are great. and the only good songs on reload are low man's lyric and fuel.
yikes! let's do an e-cover of i disappear, altogether!!


Ride the Lightning = OMG CUMS, the best of the best.
Master of Puppets = Not as good as RtL IMO, its quite good though.
...and Justice For All = WOW, great stuff, except the no bass thing.
The Black Album = Rather semi-decent, often boring, overall Metallica could do ALOT better.
Load = Kill me now, so so so so so so so so shit, fuck I can't even get past the first few songs in their entirety its so bad...URGGGHHHH...HOW CAN PEOPLE LIKE THIS PIECE OF SHIT!!???
Re-Load = I personally feel this is ALOT better than Load, its songs are slightly more menacing, but it's STILL retarted dumb-arse southern rock. MUCH MUCH better than Load, and yet, still pretty crap.
S&M = Some good shit (namely the older songs), mixed in with some utter bullshit (namely the newer songs)

Tis sad what happened to the 'tallica...
you know guys...after the mp3 episode i think metallica dudes are a bunch of cock suckers...there was no necessity for them to do that...but i still like them 'cause i really got into metal listening to their albuns...some song from their new style are pretty good.

few weeks later, a friend of mine gave me a tape which had megadeth's rust in peace and defecation's purity dilution...at that time i had never listened to growls, blast beats and all that sickening riffs like the ones defecation had...i got crazy, amazed and by that way i was introduced to death metal...

good memories!

: o )