Hey Guys!! Need your valued opinions on my band's mix! Full song including vocals!


Aug 26, 2004
Rochester, NY
Haven't posted any mixes here in a LONG time but I'm working on my band's demo and I'm getting closer and closer to the sound we want!

This song is called The Gauntlet:
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3269281/The Gauntlet New.mp3

I'm still having issues on getting everything separated in the mix and sounding glued together nicely, and I'm probably mixing too bass heavy for listeners with subs (that's been a big problem of mine)

I'm one of the guitarists so of course I'm never satisfied with the guitar tone, but its SoloC and 8505 for the rhythm guitars. I'm really hoping eventually getting some reamps done will really give the guitars some more dimension and punch.

Please help me critique this mix and give me your opinions on areas that need improvement! It means ALOT to me!

Cool song man. :)

You might want to turn the bass up a bit actually. To me it sounds like there isn't a great deal of low end to the mix.

Everything else sounds pretty sweet, but a little seperated as you said. With more bass it might be able to bring everything together.
thanks Dylan,

Yeah the low end is always a problem for me, it always sounds good on my monitors and then when I take it somewhere else and test it in people's car stereo's it pukes all over the place!

Either my monitors suck, my room sucks, or my ears are just bad, or a combination of all these things :lol:
I wouldn't add any low end at all since your going to lose that nice clarity you've got. I'd add more reverb or discrete delays on some tracks to add some room information, that would probably glue some tracks or even the whole mix. good luck, you have a pretty good production sound to work with!
Maybe I'll mess around trying that, the only problem I foresee with that is some of our songs have a lot more technical powermetal-y/iced earth type galloping riffs and faster double past parts so its always been a real challenge for me to find a sound that will let the technical riffs be defined cut through without sacrificing too much fatness
the song is cool, the style of the song also...
i think you could try to make the guitars less thing without sacrificing too much of the clearity...the high and of the guitars give my ears some trouble though....
Listening on earbuds at work I can pick afew things:
- Drums need to come up and need more ambience IMO.
- Bass could come up a tiny bit, or re-EQ'd to add abit more body to the guitars.
- Vocals are way too dry for the style IMO. You'd definitely want to work on some verb/ delay to sit them in the mix.
- I can't say where exactly at this point but some of the indiviual elements could also use a little bit more high end. Nothing too excessive, like 0.5db here and there just to brighten up the mix as a whole.

Enjoyed the song though. Would love to hear some of the more Iced Earth sounding tracks too :D
Nice to hear such pro sounding clean vocals on here. Reminds me just a bit of falconer...

Anyhow, the mix sounds good to me man. Drums could be a good deal more up-front, as well as a little more cut and beef to the bass. However, I wouldn't stress too much on the bass, a lot of power metal mixes aren't too bass heavy and like you said right now those guitars are cutting quite nicely. Right now the mix seems really guitar heavy, but in a good way.

Good song too, nice structure, solos and hook.
Thanks for all the positive feedback guys!

As requested, here's a clip of another one of our songs Hall of Nightmares

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3269281/HON Clip.mp3

I tried adding a little delay to the vox as suggested in this clip. It's very subtle almost not noticeable, but I think it adds a little.

And for those of you who really dig the music, We've got a whole album worth of songs we are tracking right now so I'll keep you updated! :kickass:
sounds cool! great about the album ; )

but id give the whole mix more bass, cause the guitars seem quite iced earthish with not much bass so the bass could come up a bit more
Thanks for all the positive feedback guys!

As requested, here's a clip of another one of our songs Hall of Nightmares

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3269281/HON Clip.mp3

I tried adding a little delay to the vox as suggested in this clip. It's very subtle almost not noticeable, but I think it adds a little.

And for those of you who really dig the music, We've got a whole album worth of songs we are tracking right now so I'll keep you updated! :kickass:

Yeah, lacks a little lowend and the singer is a bit too upfront. Try lowering it a db or 2. The singer sound great though, what mic did you use?
I have never really listened to power metal, but here's something that I felt mixwise:

- Where's the lowend?

Basstone sounds great, so it could easily step up abit more, because the way I see it,
it's the drum'n bass that makes a song headbanging, when they sound great, then I'd adjust the guitars to fit them.

- the guitars cut through the mix almost too well, sounds abit dry to me.

- crashes seems to disappear abit in the bridge + chorus parts

- vocals sounds overall abit too loud, especially in the verses

- I like the lead tone + the singer is great!

The band sounds ready and pro, and the lowend might be a matter of taste (or different monitors).

I think this mix sounds 95% ready for your demo :)
Dude during the chorus, have that 80's sounding guitar panned 100% L or R with the other rhythm guitar doing the chords on the opposite side. it would sound slammin and shizzle.