Hey guys !!! Sorry for my hiatus.


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
Visit site
You guys know you are my pals. but I just burned out on message boards for a while and had to take a leave of absence. >:P~ I'm back now though.... Speaking of which..... I can't remember my Yahoo ID. Sixx JD..., one of you send me my name to my e-mail or private message. Thanx !!

Bryant said:
You guys know you are my pals. but I just burned out on message boards for a while and had to take a leave of absence. >:P~ I'm back now though.... Speaking of which..... I can't remember my Yahoo ID. Sixx JD..., one of you send me my name to my e-mail or private message. Thanx !!


Welcome Back Bro :rock: *Hands Him a Beer* I didnt know you had Yahoo I only know of your AIM and ICQ name ......... I will try and Catch up with you ina instant message when I get the time
Welcome back bro. Longtime. Too long.
I have no idea what your ID was, I guess it's up to JD?!
What have you been up to, since taking your leave?
I know you had posted that one of your friends passed away.
How are you doing? Take Care & I hope to see your reply soon.
JonnyD said:
Welcome Back Bro :rock: *Hands Him a Beer* I didnt know you had Yahoo I only know of your AIM and ICQ name ......... I will try and Catch up with you ina instant message when I get the time
Doh !! Yeah it was AIM, not Yahoo. Maybe that's why I couldn't logon. >:P~

sixxswine said:
Welcome back bro. Longtime. Too long.
I have no idea what your ID was, I guess it's up to JD?!
What have you been up to, since taking your leave?
I know you had posted that one of your friends passed away.
How are you doing? Take Care & I hope to see your reply soon.
I'm doing fine, just been working a bunch.... and things will slack up after Christmas if things stay to the norm.
