hey guys


For the Congregation
Mar 14, 2008
hey, i'm James(Fury) from Requia, i am as of now the lead guitarist, but i'm hoping to take over as lead singer and hopefully get lessons from Melissa Cross. our band takes main influence from three bands: Lamb of God, Killswitch Engage, and Pantera

i recently found As I Lay Dying, they're awesome, but everyone in our band agrees, we will always bow down to Lamb of God :flame:

apparently we play really heavy metal, because people are always telling me i'm going to hell for quitting my religion to keep the band going strong, i just laugh at them and say "thank you", then keep going.

I have been playing guitar for a year, yesterday i learned how to play Laid to Rest by Lamb of God and got that solid, today i wiped through Declaration by Killswitch Engage

...my hand is protesting...