Hey Hippie


Got Shred??
Feb 6, 2002
Canton, Georgia
Symphony X kicked some ass or what!!!Fucking killa band and one cool moment from that show introducing you to Lepond, did you tell him your taking his job yet LOL j/k \m/


Symphony X fucking rules. And the best song Blind Gaurdian played was the one that was not at all! Fuck em! I'm glad the way it worked out with Symphony X playing longer and Zero Hour opening up, they rule! The night was one of those to remember the way the rain was pissing down all crazy like. The show was great and I was way drunk, too bad we weren't singing out loud like at Soilwork, Bear.
And all respect to Mr.Lepond who is an incredible bassist and can play with Mr.Romeo and J.Rullo nicely. I think he's a perfect fit for those guys after what's his name left. But...if something unforseen happened, God forbid...but if they needed a bassist, I would definitely consider going back out to my old home (hint!) in NJ and asking for an audition. But lets not ruin my favorite bands with my unorthadox widdlings please. They seem to do what they do just fine.
Great show.
Sorry, but that sounds rather weak...Someone like you must be able to describe music better. I don't think Guardian deserve such an attribute (OK, Hansi is a shitty frontman, but that's not the point...) - I can't understand this recent anti-BG attitude which seems to be commonplace, even here in Germany where they come from...
Yeah, BG isn`t brutal, but... Their music is wonderful. Just listen to the Nightfall in Middle-Earth album! That`s fantastic! That`s a magnific adaptation of J. R. R. Tolkien`s "Silmarillion".

No words. That`s perfect.
A good friend of mine just got me the latest BG record for X-mas ... can't get past the first song :)

Gay is the word of the day ...
yeah the nwe BG albuns are gay........agree 100 %
but the old ones are great!!!!!!

this anti BG atitude is becose they are a sucseful metal band it happends with then all......

I remember when dimmu borgir realease entrone darkness trimumphant ( fucking great albun) and here in brazil no one knew dimmu and was un underground band......now that thei are famous We so fucking legions of ati dimmu borgir fans here in brazil.........

same with stratovarius ( but dont min me coz they stuf after episode sux ass )
iron maiden...normal.........
Dang. It's not even that bad. If you like BG, that's fine, this isn't supposed to be a BG bash thread. I don't need to bash them, I'd rather use any bashing energy on a band that really sucks. I don't think BG suck, hell I used to even jam on that Demons & Wizards album. I was just pointing out that I don't care to see them live but I almost had to because they were clogging up Symphony X's tour, but it worked out great because I got the see the band I wanted to and didn't have to endure that band I didn't want to see. I can respect that they have a lot of fans and sell a lot of albums, so obviously they're doing something right. If you choose to like them, cool!
I...me personally...just my opinion - I think they sound gay.
I would never buy a cd, I can't take that much power metal at one time. Plus if I want power metal, i'll take it with other stuff, like folk (Tuatha de Danann). Or listen to a band who isn't power but does somethings vaguely like it along with other types of metal (Julie Laughs Nomore death/power, Agathodaimon, some black/power songs). I can't stand that guy's (back to BG) voice. I do think its good though that Jon Schaffer decided to come out of the closet (just a metaphor) and stop calling himself thrash (Demons and Wizards).
No shit Steve. I am so glad BG didn't play that night and after whatever it was that went wrong with them and their bus and whatever other problems they had on that tour, like not telling the opening bands they are not playing until the day of the show after they sell tickets and draw crowds, that is way way GAY!!

Anyway I agree Lepond fits great and is pretty cool, we got hella drunk at PPUSA 1.0 in Lansing 2001, that was a cool fest as well.

Oh yeah we were singing one tune man :headbang: , but I was pretty ripped LOL and enoying the show for what it was, which turned out to be a great one. Zero Hour, my boyz kicked short notice ass all over the place!!!

Look forward to checking you guys out when you get a show going , hopefully soon! Lates

Originally posted by HippieOfDoom
Dang. It's not even that bad. If you like BG, that's fine, this isn't supposed to be a BG bash thread. I don't need to bash them, I'd rather use any bashing energy on a band that really sucks. I don't think BG suck, hell I used to even jam on that Demons & Wizards album. I was just pointing out that I don't care to see them live but I almost had to because they were clogging up Symphony X's tour, but it worked out great because I got the see the band I wanted to and didn't have to endure that band I didn't want to see. I can respect that they have a lot of fans and sell a lot of albums, so obviously they're doing something right. If you choose to like them, cool!
I...me personally...just my opinion - I think they sound gay.

totaly agree man!!!!! ist your opinion..........

I just said that coz here in brazil to be a "real metalhead" you got to bash certain bands, like dimmu borgir, blind guardian and nightwish heheheheehehe AND CRADLE OF FILTHeheheh

in my opinion cradle of filth realy stinks but as hipie said is just my opinion.........but dusk and her embrace is a great albun....
but I love dimmu borgir and BG

hey steve you like brutal death metal!???? like immolation, nile, deeds of flesh!????????

im just curious.... :cool: